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Reactions to our Rock Star


We had told our families that we wouldn’t find out the test results until the 15th (Friday), so when we broke the news to our parents and siblings on Tuesday night / Wednesday day, they were all pretty surprised. After nearly 2 yrs of TTC, that meant so much to me to have at least an element of surprise with this announcement!

My Fam:

Mom & Dad:

(we talk them into Skyping b/c “Charlie had good news to share with them about his job.” 
We open by talking about how excited we are that he won’t have to go to ND anymore.
Then I focused the webcam on the Scrabble board. )

Mom’s hands fly to her mouth. She starts crying. Dad is smiling and crying. No talking from either of them. I’m giddy with excitement and can barely stand it. 🙂 Then they both tell us how happy they are for us. How much they’ve prayed for us. How wonderful and amazing this is. We’re all smiling and happy. We Skype for quite awhile, all sort of in shock that this is actually happening. 🙂

For my siblings, one by one I sent them links to the video and then to the pic of the Scrabble board and called them to tell them to check their email. I love how their different personalities shine through their responses! Their “quotes” are really my recollections of somewhat what they said. I was too excited to actually be writing anything down. *grin*

Aud.rey (oldest sis [26] who is married):

(phone convo starts with random talk about her job, etc. – i’m dying with excitement but trying to hide it)

I can’t get the sound to work? Hm. I’ll figure this out. Hold on. 

(this continues for a LONG time. she finally gets the video to work and then looks at the picture) 
What?! Oh my God. Oh My God!!!! *tears…laughter…tears* I am so so so happy for you. 
I can’t even imagine how you feel right now if I’m this excited! How awesome that this worked on the first time for you! I’ve been praying for you every day!
(audie is the sister who follows my blog religiously. she’s very driven. focused. supportive. she inspires me.
I think she’s proud of me for succeeding on the first time – even though I had nothing to do with it. *LOL*)

Aug.usta (middle sis [24]):

(phone convo about misc. topics while she downloads the video)

Squeal of excitement! Expression of her joy! *tears* More congrats. Then… 
I kind of want to just leave it at that. Is that okay? 

(later, when i was waiting on the beta results, she tweeted – waiting with you in spirit)
(she is very intuitive. compassionate. careful with her words. loving. peaceful. she centers me.) (youngest sis [22]):

(phone convo starts with her answering the phone laughing, happy as always. 
she’s excited to be in her final semester of undergrad. we chat while she gets the video downloaded)

*silence* I can’t even talk right now, I’m crying!

(more laughter…squeals…tears)

Thank you SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME. I’ve been thinking about you every day!

(she actually thought we wouldn’t tell her until 12 weeks! 
no way could i keep it a secret that long when she knew we had done the IUI)
Lots of prayers for good test results on Thursday and Saturday. Love to you and to Charlie.

(she is full of joy & love, always. she is an optimist. she brings joy to my life.) (brother [19]):

(convo starts with chit chat about a job interview he’s going to later in the day – I was able to hook him up with an old college friend of mine in construction mgmt, and he was asking me what to wear *grin*)

Huh? No!!!! No way!!!!!! Oh my God Jo!!!!!!! Congratulations!! Oh my gosh Jo – that is freakin amazing!! I’m so happy for you right now. 🙂 That brings tears to my eyes right there. Right on. 

(little bro is a good hearted man. raised with sisters, he knows how to react to women’s news. 🙂 he is a gem!)

Char’s Fam:

Mom & Dad:

(The first people we told! MIL was headed to MN Wednesday morning to visit B & SIL [below], 
so we called them quick before she went to bed.)
C and I both got on separate handsets from our land line (how weird that we still have them, yes)… and he first told his Dad, then got his Mom on the phone and told her. Both were very happy, thankful, and excited. My MIL loves being a gma to our nephew…I know she’s stoked to hopefully have another grandchild around soon.

Brother B [32] (married to our sis-n-law K [33] with a 1yo):

(we talked them into skyping even though our nephew was asleep. told them we ‘liked them too.’ LOL)

C and his bro are super close, so after giving him a quick rundown about the new job offer, he did the honors of telling his bro about the BFP. He basically said “well, Jos got two positive tests today,” and his brother got a big grin on his face and said, “no way! congrats!” His wife was in the shower, so he asked if he could go tell her. We laughed and said sure. Through the Skype we could hear him walk 20′ away and start talking… then we heard her SCREAM in excitement while still in the shower. I love my SIL. 🙂 I really couldn’t have been blessed with better in-laws as family. She has been constantly texting and emailing and checking in on me throughout this process. Such a sweetheart.

Sister J [24]:

(Didn’t answer her phone at first – typical. C had to call and text her 3 times to get her to answer!
Char finally just told her straight out that we had just gotten back from the hospital from doing bloodwork b/c I’m pregnant.)

What?! Oh. My. GAWD. Are you guys freakin’ out yet? … 
Well, cool dude, congratulations.

(typical response from her. she’s newly in a relationship, but she’s pretty much in the single partying gal mindset still. LOL)

As a side note, this is yet another December birthday for our family – C’s brother and his wife above and my husband all have December birthdays, and hopefully Rock Star will be joining their ranks in 8 short months! The EDD is exactly one week before my husband’s 30th birthday. How cool is that?!

**Edited to Add: OMG – I forgot to include my family in this December birthday tally. Oops! My little sister Emma is Dec 8 and my Grandmother (who is still alive and married to Grandpa below) is Dec 28. I can’t believe I forgot to include those. Sorry little sis – thanks for pointing it out!!**

Also, Rock Star’s ETA is my Great-Aunt Elie’s 90th birthday. Ever since I went away to college she and I have been pen pals. She is one of the classiest, sweetest women in the entire world. She made my wedding garter for me. The day I got the BFP, I had just received a letter from my Grandpa (Mom’s Dad – and brother to Elie) saying he was thinking of us and including a check to help with baby costs. How awesome is that?! I called to him to tell him thanks… and to tell him we’re hopefully going to be buying a cradle with that money. He liked that. 🙂 I made him promise not to tell anyone else, but the next day I talked to Elie (remember – his sister), and 15 minutes into the convo she says, “Soooo…. any thoughts about starting a family soon?” LOL. Darn it Grandpa!! I told her to expect to be sharing her birthday with a new little one, and she was SO excited… though she admitted that gpa had already told her. *grin* She’s in a lot of pain now days because her vertebrae are failing (from osteoporosis I believe?), but I hope she makes it to 90 and gets to meet our little Rock Star. She said she’s going to try! 🙂

So far we have only told immediate family and a couple of close friends that knew we were going through the IUI. For the most part, we’re going to hold off until we hear the heartbeat at the u/s to tell a few more friends, though I doubt I’ll ever make a public FB announcement, etc. I just know how much those hurt me over the past couple of years. That’s not to say I won’t acknowledge the pregnancy, but no u/s pics as my profile pic and no big status updates, you know?

*Doing my best to feel like a Fertile during this pregnancy. Don’t worry. Be happy.*
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