He Felt RockStar Kick!

Last night I was laying on the couch watching Giuli.ana and Bill (yes, I have my reality TV addictions), and I realized that RockStar was being super active — to the point where I could actually see my belly moving a little bit! C still hadn’t seen/felt anything, so I ran upstairs, stripped to my underwear, hopped into bed, and shoved his hand on my belly. I think he thought I was a leeeeetle bit crazy, but after a minute, he actually felt a couple of kicks for the very first time!

So cool. 🙂


  1. So awesome! I love those moments 🙂 And I love G&B, too!

  2. YAY!!! Karate chop! So exciting. I think dads always feel so left out until they can actually feel and see something, so this is great news!

  3. YAY – that's the best. Glad rock star gave his/her daddy a taste of what you've been experiencing. 🙂

  4. Yay! That was an awesome moment for us too. It meant a lot for my DH to finally have that connection to his daughters! Just wait until the baby starts hiccuping and he can feel it! So cool!

  5. Nice! I can't wait for that day to happen for us!

  6. is that not the most awesome moment….the look on their face when they actually feel it!

  7. So exciting!!!! 🙂

  8. That's so awesome that he felt the baby!! Love G&B too!

  9. I think that Erik would SAY he felt Lucky long before he ever actually did.

  10. That's so awesome!! And I LOVE Guiliana and Bill. One of my favorite shows.

  11. It is wonderful when you feel movement, but having your hubby finally feel it is the best!!!

  12. Aww, so fun! Glad he got to feel such an amazing thing!

  13. Hahaha. You stripped down to your undies? I would think you were crazy too. Hilarious though. Glad he could feel the little ninja.

  14. haha – you ARE crazy. 🙂 I loved that moment too when Jason finally felt Dayne kick. It was awesome.

  15. That's amazing! Wait until you are almost due and the baby is baby-sized and kicking around. I have a girlfriend due any day now and her stomach looks like the kid is actually practicing karate moves. 🙂

  16. so jealous…I still can't even be sure I've felt Buckie…That's what I get for starting out fat…too much padding 🙂 I hope we get to do that soon…So excited for you though! I bet C was really REALLY excited! So super cool!!!

  17. HAHAHA!!! LOVE it! Ava does this ALOT! I will be sitting here and all of the sudden it looks like a earthquake in my belly and will vibrate my whole stomach. My husband saw it in church and i thought he was going to die laughing! lol

  18. Oh am so glad your hubby got to feel RockStar's kicks. That moment is so special. It connects you, hubby and the baby in one beautiful thing.

  19. YAY!!! So, so glad you took advantage of that active moment! 🙂

  20. This sounds like the most amazing moment. Gives a girl chills. I haven't had a chance to catch up on G&B yet, but you know I"m gonna take care of that now that work has calmed down.

  21. That is awesome that he gets to be part of the fun too. So crazy to see your tummy moving. I love that show too!

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