Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In: 5 Weeks Postpartum

Sorry for another hurried post. It’s hard not having a computer at home to post from, and I’m dashing this off quick from my old office while Stella sleeps. Hopefully by next week I’ll have the go-ahead to start working out from my doc AND a new computer to post from!

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal: 21# to go!

Starting Weight: 166#
Last Week’s Weight: 163#
Current Weight: 163# 
Goal Weight: 142# (“normal” is 122#-164#)

Starting BMI: 25.2
Last Week’s BMI: 24.8
Current BMI: 24.8
Goal BMI: 21.6 (“normal” is 18.5-24.9)

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals:

Progress on last week’s activities:
I did great – drank a lot of water, walked to the post office twice (1mile round trip), and ate pretty healthily.

Activities for this coming week:
Count calories using MyFitnessPal to see what’s going on calorie-wise that I’m not losing any weight.
Continue with my on-going goals below.
Hopefully get the OK to start working out after next Thursday!

On-going Goals:
Drink 8oz every time I sit down to nurse Stella (drinking roughly 100oz water/day). YEP!
Walk the 1 mile to the post office with Stella in her stroller at least 2x. YEP!

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I’ve tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing.

Yogurt + fresh berries + granola = another healthy, delicious, easy to make snack!


Please let me know if you want me to add you to the list below to join in on WWW!
Michele @ Nowhere in NM (TTCer)
Holly @ Holly G. and Co. (TTCer)
Gee @ Gee Baby (TTCer)
Nico @ Phred, Fwed, and Schweffel (pregnant)
Kristy @ Relaxing Doesn’t Get You Pregnant (post-partum)
Donor Diva @ Motherhood via Egg Donation (post-partum)
One Day @ Are We There Yet? (post-partum)
Laura @ Legos and Jets (post-partum)
Bridget @ The Lost Stork (post-partum)


  1. Oops, I think I posted to the wrong post. It is great that you are losing weight even though you haven't started exercising yet. Nursing helps!Looking forward to hearing about your progress next week.

  2. good job for meeting your goals! sounds like a bit of calorie counting is not a bad idea. Plus, once you get the all clear for exercising I bet a few elliptical sessions a week will help immensely!

  3. I would LOVE to weigh 163. My weight just keeps creeping up now! Ahhhhhhh! I had a tough time losing it last time so I'm hoping it is better this time!

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