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Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In: 19 Weeks Postpartum


Starting Weight: 6wk pp: 161# (at BFP weight)
Last Week’s Weight: 156.0#
Current Weight: 155.5#

Starting BMI: 24.5
Last Week’s BMI: 23.7
Current BMI: 23.6

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal: 

I’m 5’8″ and have a goal weight of 142# (BMI of 21.6), so I have 13.5# to go.
I’m currently wearing size 10-12 jeans, and I’d love to get to an eight.

155-157# is probably going to be a plateau weight for me (always has been). I don’t want to screw with my milk supply, to I need to make sure I’m eating plenty of nutritious foods for the time being, though I still want to work on getting more toned. I’m going to keep up with the WWW, because I know how easy it is to slide back up the scale if I’m not being careful.

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals:

Progress on last week’s activities:

*Track my food intake with MFP (_josey_) all 7 days. Nope. Thanks to my ED history, I was just freakin’ out too much about the cal counting for a bit, so I took a step back. I tracked the first 3 days, and the past four I just had to step away. I still cook / make most meals based on the measurements/calorie counts I already know by heart, so my breakfasts and lunches tend to be around 300-350 cals, snacks around 200-300, and dinners slightly larger.
*Work out 3x. Yes! It snowed here this past week (UGH), so I didn’t feel like going on a walk, but I did three workouts on the elliptical. This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous (70s and sunny) and my old roommate is coming into town, so hopefully we’ll get out and about more!

Activities & goals for this coming week:
*Not binge eat, even if I’m hung over. (huge possibility of this with my old roommate in town) 🙂
*Work out 4x. Workouts need to take more of a forefront in my weeks since I don’t want to cut cals at this point because of breastfeeding.

On-going Life Style Goals:
Drink 8oz every time I sit down to nurse Stella or pump (drinking roughly 100oz water/day). 
I’m getting better at this, and it’s definitely helping with my milk supply.

Choose fruit to snack on instead of chocolate.
Getting better at this too!

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I’ve tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing.
I keep meaning to write a post about this, but I just haven’t sat down and made the time to write it properly. Instead, I’ll just touch on in here, and maybe one of these days I’ll write a proper post about all of my feelings about this.

I know that many of you started following me during my TTC times, but this blog actually started with more of a weight-loss bent…something that I have struggled with for years, ever since my ridiculous 5’8″ 148#, 20 year old self totally fucked up my metabolism a decade ago, after 20 years of being great to my body. Unfortunately, in order to drop a few pounds, I started a running program and extreme calorie counting my junior year of college, and I slipped into bulimia, thanks to binge eating / purging (because of neurotically not wanting to wreck my calorie counts for the day if I overate). For the past 10 years, I’ve vacillated between 142-172#. Based on my height and body build, the 140s is really a very healthy weight for me to be at (hence my goal of 142#), but I have to be so careful to work at getting to that goal by using healthy amounts of exercise and food portion control. I tend to get obsessive about both of them at times… and when I do, I always have to force myself to take a step back, take a deep breath, and refocus on truly being healthy. For any of you out there that have struggled with similar, remember that you’re not alone, and we can do this the healthy way.


Please let me know if you want me to add you to the list below to join in on WWW!
Michele @ Nowhere in NM (TTCer)
Gee @ Gee Baby (TTCer)
Mag @ Witty Infertility (TTCer)
Shannon @ Arkansas Runner (TTCer)
Donor Diva @ Motherhood via Egg Donation (TTC#2)
The Cornfed Feminist (pregnant)
Nico @ Phred, Fwed, and Schweffel (pregnant)
Kristy @ Relaxing Doesn’t Get You Pregnant (postpartum)
One Day @ Are We There Yet? (postpartum – twins)
Laura @ Legos and Jets (postpartum)
Bridget @ The Lost Stork (postpartum)
ks @ Inconceivable!?!?! (postpartum)
jenn @ Adventures of a Nomadic Housewife (postpartum)
Holly @ Holly G. and Co. (postpartum)
Julia @ 3 bed 2 bath 1 baby (postpartum)
Meghan @ Maybe Baby, It’s You…Two! (postpartum – twins)
Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! (postpartum)
Heather @ The Road Less Traveled (postpartum)
DRMama @ Life Amongst the Palm Trees (postpartum)
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