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Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In: 25 Weeks Postpartum


Once WHY I want to lose weight is more powerful than why I don’t care, THEN I have success. 

— My Mom

Starting Weight: 6wk pp: 161# (at BFP weight)
Last Week’s Weight: 155.5#
Current Weight: 156#

Starting BMI: 24.5
Last Week’s BMI: 23.6
Current BMI: 23.7

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal: 

I’m 5’8″ and have a goal weight of 142# (BMI of 21.6) or a Size 8, whichever happens first, so I have roughly 14# to go.

Thank you SO much for all of the running shoe and salad suggestions. Toady I am headed to the grocery store to pick up the fixin’s for some new salad options, to Target to buy a calendar to track my workouts on, and to the shoe store to get my running gait evaluated and to buy some new running shoes. Yippee!

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals:

Progress on last week’s activities:

*Find a new salad to eat for lunch (or at least a meal with lots of leafy greens). – Done, thanks to all of you! I’ll post the suggestions below.
*Get ready to start the C25K program and try jogging with Stella in the stroller at least once. – It was SOOOO windy last weekend here, so the one walk we did with Stella in the stroller on Saturday was the only time we really took her outside in it all weekend. The dust in the air was awful, and then we both got sick, soooo…running with the stroller will have to happen this week instead!
*Write up an ab routine to start following. Post a calendar somewhere to mark when I’ve done it. – Last Wednesday I went to town (which means I drove 30 miles to the next town over where we do our shopping – pop. 18,000 instead of pop. 1,000) with the intention of a Target trip, but after a really nice walk around town with the stroller while my windshield got fixed, Stella had a breakdown in the car. She fell asleep right when we got to the stoplight by the grocery store and Target, and you’d better believe I just kept right on driving. We made it one mile from home before she woke up screaming again. Poor child is just not a car baby.

Activities & goals for this coming week: 
*Target: Buy a calendar to track workouts – hang in my bathroom so I look at it every day. I’d recommend hanging it on the fridge if you can, but we have a stainless steel fridge that isn’t magnetic. UGH.
*Shoe store: Buy new running shoes (and maybe socks?). Try them out this week at least twice!
*Grocery store: Buy ingredients for a couple of the salads y’all suggested. Fill fridge with healthy snack options for the next week.
*Mark on calendar what workout I want to accomplish each day. MARK OFF when complete (including ab exercises)

On-going Life Style Goals:
Drink 8oz every time I sit down to nurse Stella or pump (drinking roughly 100oz water/day).
Cut back on alcohol consumption until I’ve reached my goal weight.
Walk places instead of drive when possible. I live in a town of 1,000 ppl, so this is often possible!

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I’ve tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing.

I know that I totally get stuck in a rut while cooking – hopefully some of these salad ideas will help inspire/motivate all of you to try something new!

1) From allthesunforyou:
Goat cheese crumbles
Toasted pine nuts
Dried cranberries (no sugar added)
Olive oil (or walnut, or hazelnut)
Raspberry, blackberry, or strawberry vinaigrette

2) From Lanie:
Baby Spinach
1/2 cup tuna mixed with 1 tsp light mayo
1/2 cup light cottage cheese
dried cranberries
drizzled balsamic vinegar
lemon juice squeezed over the whole thing. (no real calories in lemon juice and vinegar)
fresh ground pepper

3) From Michele:
Mixed spring greens
a few mandarin orange slices from a jar or fresh (I peel and add a cutie)
Gorgonzola cheese
walnuts or pecans or almond slices (almonds are the healthiest)
Calorie free raspberry vinaigrette

4) From Kelly:
mixed spinach and baby greens/spring greens
feta crumbles
cherry/grape tomatos
balsamic vinagerette (not sure what your choices are like, but Le Madeleine makes the BEST! OMG I love)
if you like and have them: olives, almonds, blueberries/strawberries

5) From DonorDiva:
Salsa salad:
Spring mix, pepper (any color), a sprinkle of cheese, and a 1/2 cup of beans (I like black beans). Top it off with a 1/2 cup of salsa.

6) From Being Pissy:
pine nuts
low-fat cottage cheese
apple chunks
rice wine vinegar
shredded boiled chicken

7) From Fiona:
some sort of leafy green lettuce / spring mix / baby greens sort of thing
can of mandarin slices
an apple cut into slices or cubes
handful of raisins
handful of crumbled blue cheese (or feta if blue cheese isn’t your thing)
handful of candied walnuts (or similar)
I usually throw in a few thin slices of red onion but not important 
then the dressing I originally made it with is Brianna’s Mandarin Ginger… but anything similar would work

8) From My Mom via email (picture here – I’m guessing at ingredients):
mixed greens
sliced chicken breast

mixed cherry tomatoes
fresh ground black pepper

And finally, I leave you with some words of inspiration from my Mom:

It’s just would you rather blog or watch TV or hang around with Stella; or would you rather take that 60-90 minutes 5X a week for your health?  We all think we are so busy, and we are.  But we find the time for that which we make a priority.  
Love you forever.  🙂


Please let me know if you want me to add you to the list below to join in on WWW!
Michele @ Nowhere in NM (TTCer)
Mag @ Witty Infertility (TTCer)
Shannon @ Arkansas Runner (TTCer)
Donor Diva @ Motherhood via Egg Donation (TTC#2)
Karen C @ The Brooding Woman (TTCer)
Kristy @ Relaxing Doesn’t Get You Pregnant (pregnant) 
Nico @ Phred, Fwed, and Schweffel (postpartum) 
One Day @ Are We There Yet? (postpartum – twins) 
Laura @ Legos and Jets (postpartum) 
Bridget @ The Lost Stork (postpartum)
ks @ Inconceivable!?!?! (postpartum) 
jenn @ Adventures of a Nomadic Housewife (postpartum)
Julia @ 3 bed 2 bath 1 baby (postpartum) 
Meghan @ Maybe Baby, It’s You…Two! (postpartum – twins) 
Heather @ The Road Less Traveled (postpartum)
DRMama @ Life Amongst the Palm Trees (postpartum) 
Emma @ Emma in Mommyland (postpartum)
E&R @ Dreaming of Babies (postpartum)
Helen @ Our Grand Adventure (postpartum)
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