Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In: 39 Weeks Postpartum

Starting Weight: 6wk pp: 161# (at BFP weight)
Last Week’s Weight: 160.5#
Current Weight: 160#

Starting BMI: 24.5
Last Week’s BMI: 24.4
Current BMI: 24.3

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal: 

I’m 5’8″ and have a goal weight of 142# (BMI of 21.6) or a Size 8, whichever happens first.

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals:

Progress on last week’s activities:
Track all 7 days on MFP. Done! I went about 900 over for the week, which isn’t great, but considering how many holiday weekend parties and BBQs we attended, it wasn’t bad. I’m just glad I made myself keep tracking.
Move my body every day. 6/7! Last Thursday I just completely forgot. It’s Day 97 of the 100 Day Challenge -getting so close!

Activities & goals for this coming week: I’m going to continue to keep this simple for now…
Track all 7 days on MFP. – Not go over my weekly calories. No exceptions.
Move my body every day.

On-going Life Style Goals that I’m achieving:
Finish SIX of my 16oz water bottles throughout the day.
Walk places instead of drive when possible.

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I’ve tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing.
It’s slow progress, but at least I’m finally on the way down again. This 160# mark is always the make or break it point for me. To lose beyond this, I have to be serious about it. I really want to do a stellar week this week and start fresh next week at 40w pp / 1 week of the rest of my life! If I am blessed to get pregnant again someday, I’d love to start at a lower weight than I did, and if I don’t get pregnant again, I still would love to fit into all of my clothing again (which all fits me pretty great at about 150#).
For some background about my weight loss journey and struggles with an ED, click here.
For a list of other people joining in with WWW, click here!


  1. Good for you! Almost into the 150s!! 🙂 I am sure you’ll be there very soon, especially if you stick with your goals. Exciting!

  2. You are getting so close and doing so good at your goals! i need to get back on the wagon and start posting my WWW again! Been SO busy lately barely have time to read much less post 🙁

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