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My toilets are cleaner than they’ve been in 2 years…


**Warning – this is going to be a post full of me whining and feeling generally sorry for myself. Capisce?**

So that’s how that’s going.

I literally had to leave work this morning and run home to (1) puke in my freshly cleaned toilet, and (2) change my shirt because I couldn’t stand the feel of it on the skin of my neck and needed it off. Fun.

I am seriously afraid you guys. Starting on Sunday (5w4d – so a full week earlier than with Stella) I have steadily been going downhill and feeling worse and worse. I’m at the point now of feeling nauseous 24/7 and being barely able to crawl out of bed or carry my toddler down the stairs. It is not good. Last night I had to crawl into bed myself at 7pm while Charlie put Stella to bed and cleaned up the kitchen after dinner because I just couldn’t stand trying to do a single solitary thing for another minute. I literally called my Mom crying because I didn’t know what else to do. If it gets as bad as last time (puking 5x/day, all day, every day)… I shudder to imagine how the hell I’ll handle it. I’m already considering telling my boss and co-workers WAY earlier than planned, because I’m just not sure how to hide how I’m feeling. Stella was puking all day Tuesday while I stayed home with her (poor thing) so I’ve been blaming my peakedness on her for the time being, but that excuse won’t work for much longer.

In the meantime, I’ve been scouring my blog for ideas from last time that helps. Zofran (I texted my midwife this morning begging for an Rx – hoping to get it today), peppermint hard candies, pre-packed fruit cups in sugar water, and ginger chews & tea. That’s all I can come up with. Any other ideas? What worked for you?

Oh, and a quick tip – don’t tell someone suffering from debilitating all day morning sickness (or especially HG – I cannot even imagine the depths of the hell those people are feeling): “it’s the sign of a healthy pregnancy!” Fuck that shit. I have lots of friends who had super healthy pregnancies and not a minute of morning sickness.

And no, Mom, I’m not mad at you for saying that. I know you’d take this from me in a heartbeat if you could. xoxo

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