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Quite the (Birth)Day


Well, the birthday party went well yesterday. We have a tiny house, and it was cold as shit outside (12 degrees and it felt like 1 degree) so nobody could be on the back deck so there were 23 people (17 adults / 6 kids) crammed into our little living area, but overall, it honestly was a great afternoon. People hung out from about 2-6pm, and Stella received way too many new toys – especially considering I had put “no gifts please” on the invitation! So far the doctor kit (especially the stethoscope) was the biggest hit I think (ETA – and the guitar from Grandma and Grandpa!), though she does love the art easel I scored for her from a local garage sale. However, a good party does not mean I am not dragging my ass today. Yesterday morning we had planned on getting ready, going to church at 10am, and doing a cpl hours of final party prep together (like hanging Christmas lights) while Stella napped before the guests arrived. Instead it went something like this:

So yeah… the house filled up shortly after 2pm and Stella only slept for 90 minutes instead of 3 hours, but she did really well for running on a short nap, and a great time was had by all, especially since the Broncos won. My kitchen is currently filled with dirty party dishes, my dining room table is filled with a gazillion toys I need to sort and find places for, and I’m about to take the afternoon off of work just to sleep, but overall it was a totally great day. My 2 year old is happy, we have our health, and we will get this hot water heater issue fixed before we’re trying to fill a birthing tub. Life is good. 🙂

Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl. 🙂

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