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Cleaning Out the (Cloth Diaper) Stash


Unlike his big sister, little Harvey lucked out and got to wear cloth diapers specifically sized for newborns for the first 5-6 weeks of his life because we had a 12 pack of bumGenius Newborn All In One diapers that are sized to fit babies from about 6# to 12#. Unfortunately, since Harvey came out of the womb at 9#5oz and was up to 11#7oz by his one month well child check, he didn’t get to spend too much time in them! While he did though, I loved them. They were so trim (which means they weren’t bulky under his newborn and 0-3 month clothes), and they were awesome at containing everything.

We started Harvey in cloth diapers at 4 days old (once the meconium poop phase has passed), and he wore them for the next 5 weeks. We only had 12 diapers, and we were going through 8-10 per day in the beginning, so we did supplement with disposables from time to time if they weren’t dry in time. However, it wasn’t a big deal to run a load of laundry every day or so, so we were luckily able to use mostly cloth on him for that first month before we switched to the larger One-Size diapers that we used with Stella.

Is it weird that I’m sad my baby is already too big for newborn diapers? This baby phase is all too fleeting. *sigh*

At any rate, we have gender neutral colors – 3 white, 3 clementine [orange], 3 butternut [yellow], and 3 twilight [light blue]. I don’t even see the yellow or blue available on the BumGenius website anymore, weird! We used them for a month, and they are still in excellent shape with just some very slight wear and tear from where you attach the velcro (aka “hook & loop closures”) to the laundry tab for washing. They’ve been worn probably 15-20 times each and washed with cloth diaper friendly detergent only (we use Rockin’ Green). I always did a cold rinse first, then a hot/cold wash, then tumble dry. I also dried them outside in the sun a couple of times just to make sure to get any stains out. When I originally posted this I was going to try to sell them, but it just occurred to me that my cousin is due any day now, so I’m going to send them to her! Yay for family. 🙂

These are really great diapers, and extremely easy to use since they are all-in-ones (key for my husband). I highly recommend them – I just wish I’d have bought them for Stella and gotten to use them for two kids!


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