The Monday Snapshot – Hands & Hearts Full

Before we got married, our big argument was that I wanted 4 kids (I come from a family of 5 kids) and Charlie wanted 3 kids (he comes from a family of 3 kids). After all the troubles we went through to conceive Stella, we were stoked to have just one and beyond happy with 2.

Then lately, my baby isn’t so much a baby anymore, and even though I got my IUD put in last week, I’m already feeling the yearning for 1 more.

Yes, Mom, slap me now. I know I’m a horrible pregnant person and I called you every day crying because I was so sick and exhausted and could barely take care of myself much less my toddler.


Then today at the hot springs, Charlie and I wrangled our two kids + our two nephews for a picture, and PHEW, I’m back to thinking how in the WORLD did my parents take the 5 of us anywhere when we were kids?!



  1. And even with all that wrangling….I still want one more…and I’m alone…I must be crazy 😊

  2. Ps why does Stella look so old….she’s growing up too fast 😉 into a beautiful young lady

  3. Those kids are all super close in age. It wouldn’t be like that with one more. Stella would be 5.5/6 by the time your youngest is the age Harv is now. Whenever I’m caring for an extra kid, I remind myself of this. 😉

    1. Very true. 🙂

  4. I keep asking Andy to try for a third even though we both went into the marriage as a 2 kids and out joint campaign. But then after a long evening of them both being fussy and me being covered in every liquid imaginable, I creep back into the “two is okay” land. 🙂

  5. mcmissis · · Reply

    Well, you probably don’t have too many pictures of all of you kids in the pool together looking at the camera 🙂 Some things are just too hard with so many, but you two would be great with more!

    1. mcmissis · · Reply

      A friend sent me this article last night. It’s actually old, and I had already seen it, but it applies here 🙂

      1. My parents said the same thing – 3 was by far the hardest b/c they were suddenly outnumbered and the oldest (me) wasn’t really old enough to help yet.

        1. mcmissis · ·

          Slacker 😉

  6. I have 4 kids 5 and under as you know…5,4,2 and 5 months. They are 15 months apart, 22 months apart and 21 months apart. The last 2 we conceived on our own after the long journey for the first 2.

    Some days are really hard, but there are a lot of fun days and siblings who love one another and helping with the baby. I will say, I always think and hope for a large family and lots of grandkids as I get older.

    My oldest is about to go to K in the fall and I do believe it gets so much easier as the first 1-2 kids are old enough for school, activities etc and can participate more 🙂

  7. I can’t even imagine having 5! I always leaned to just having 2 but somedays would love 3 (like on xmas morning or special times like that). We’ll see though. If this girl is a terror, we’re stopping at 2! 🙂

  8. I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently. And maybe it’s harder for me bc of Cam’s issues – but I have yet, with him at 26 months, to have a day when I’ve thought, wow, I’m glad I have three kids. I love them all dearly BUT three is HARD. i think perhaps in some ways more so bc of the 3.5y gap between T and C – if it were just the older two we could be out and about a lot more, no having to be home for naps (C doesn’t nap wherever anymore). And I feel guilty for putting his needs above spending time with the older two. Coming up with activities that are interesting for all three is also hard. I thought when C was a baby that I wanted another (and I do still, desperately want a girl) but I don’t think i could survive another 2+ years of this. (well obviously I could but I find that I don’t want to). anyway…. my 2c.

    1. Yeah, I think about this as well. I’m so ready to be able to just GO places with kids who are potty trained and can eat anything and not need naps. I’m okay with the place we’re in now, but like you said, I can’t imagine adding a couple of more years to the equation…

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