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What’s That Taste Like?


Lately Stella LOVES to talk about the things she smells around her, but she always asks us “what’s that taste?” when she means “what’s that smell?” We correct her, even though it’s adorable, but so far it has stuck in her vocabulary, and we kind of love it. 🙂

Last night we were on a family walk before bedtime, trying to take advantage of these pleasant evenings before it turns cold and snows (oh wait, that happened up high yesterday – %*@&@^$!).

About one block from home, Charlie was pushing both kids in the double BOB and I had our dog on his leash when the following conversation occurred:

Stella: What’s that taste like?!

Mom: I don’t know? Do you mean what does that smell like?

Stella:Yeah! What’s that smell like? I think it smells like DADDY!

Mom: *confused look*

Stella: [giggling] I think Daddy TOOTED! [laughing hysterically]

Dad: *shame faced* *but laughing*

Apparently he had polluted the outdoors while we walked, and Stella actually smelled it from her position in the front facing stroller in front of him and called him out on it.

I don’t know the last time I’ve laughed that hard. 🙂

Laughing at Daddy a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to do Harvey’s 7 month photo shoot. 🙂

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