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The Monday Snapshot: Harvey’s First Concert


We are blessed to live in an area that has a ton of live music throughout the year, both indoors and out, but my favorite concert series is probably the one that happens in a nearby town every year in September that is all blues music.  A lot of microbreweries come to sell their beers (it actually started as a beer festival in the early 90s!), there are endless food & merchandise tents, and there are a whole lot of people (roughly 7-9k/day) just hanging out and enjoying the shows.

The last few years we haven’t gone to this particular festival just because of logistics (you know, the whole pregnant/nursing thing), but this year my blog friend Courtney was in town with her husband for the weekend, and they very graciously offered us their Sunday tickets as they had to leave town Sunday morning.

With free tickets in hand (err… on our wrists), we decided to let Stella spend the day with her grandparents and to take Harvey with us. Armed with baby noise cancellation headphones and a friend who lived closed by whose house we could use for home base, we drove the 45 minutes to the festival and spent the day listening to awesome music, chatting with friends, and have a fantastic time. The weather was perfect, the music was great, and spending a day walking around town with my hubby (over 16,000 steps worth) was priceless!


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