The Monday Snapshot – Jump!

At Christmastime we gave our Nanny a cash bonus, and she has a REALLY hard time accepting stuff like that. A few weeks later she showed up with a trampoline in the back of her jeep as a “joint Christmas/birthday gift for both kids.” Ha! It sat in our garage for months until I finally decided to set it up a couple of weeks ago – and then it snowed two feet the next day. Everything finally melted in that part of our back yard, so I crawled around under it and got the final ties and such done on Saturday morning, and MAN… those two jumped for hours and hours on this thing. The best pictures & videos that I have I won’t share here since Harvey was naked most of the weekend (kid loves to be naked, and I figure maybe it will help him potty train early like Stella, so why not?!)… but ya, we are no longer on the fence about having this in our back yard. They love it! IMG_1602


  1. Very cute! Glad they loved the gift!

  2. mcmissis · · Reply

    I’d say that’s money well spent by the nanny! 😉

  3. Yay!!!!!!! The snow melted 🙂 I’m glad they enjoy the trampoline.

  4. What a warm winter you have had!!!

  5. Want! So glad they are having so much fun with it.

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