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Day 17, #NaBloPoMo – Lefties Unite


Did you know that only 10% of the world’s population is left handed? I googled that stat for this blog post, and I came across this article, which I found to be utterly fascinating! The study in it talks about the need for cooperation vs. competition, and how if we lived in a society that was 100% cooperative, we’d all be the same-handed. (Hahaha, clearly that isn’t the case with our world right now.)

However, in many sports where competition favors the unusual, the number of left handed people is disproportionately higher. More than 50% of the top baseball players are left handed, for example. How cool is that?

So, why do I care about all of this? Well, handedness is partially genetic and partially environmental. My grandpa was a leftie through and through, my sister and father-in-law write & eat left handed (though they do many other things right handed), my brother-in-law is a leftie, and I’m a leftie. I have ALWAYS hoped that one of my kids would follow in my foot(hand?)steps, and so far I’m feel pretty confident that Harv is going to be a little leftie just like his Mama! I’m not gonna lie – I totally always put the silverware in his left hand when he was a baby, so I was definitely trying to edge him to my side since the beginning. LOL.

I’d love to know how many of YOU are lefties (or have kids that are lefties)!

PS, I have such strong memories of doing the games on the back of cereal boxes as a child myself, and it’s so fun to see my kids start to do the same!

PPS, Charlie was clearly tired of Harvey spilling his cereal milk this morning. 🙂

PPPS, Blue blankie little is never out of Harvey’s reach, EVER.

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