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Blog Statistics


I can’t be the only person out there who finds statistics to be totally intriguing, right?

I started blogging back in 2009, but for the first 3 years I was over at my blogspot address. I like WordPress SOOOO much better (for many reasons, but mainly for the commenting & comment follow up system), and I totally wish I’d have just started on this platform, but back then it wasn’t as well known, and it took me awhile to get the guts to make the switch. The TTC years were when I found my love of writing in this space and connecting with other “strangers” on the internet. Here is a list of how many posts I wrote at MCVOT over the past 7 years…

I mean, I wrote 260 posts during Stella’s first year of life. That’s a little bananas! LOL. It’s clearly how I was processing this leap to motherhood after infertility and everything that went with it, so thank you to all of you who helped me through that.

2013 is when I finally got a smart phone (and not a Blackberry), so I started posting & reading more from my phone. That is when my number of posts dropped dramatically AND commenting (both by me and by others) seemed to drop off precipitously. I still was reading, but it only makes sense that many of us quit writing as often when the validation (comments) dropped off. It still makes me a little sad. 🙁 That being said, this is also the stage during which I became Facebook friends with a lot of you, so at least we still interact a lot that way now!

At any rate, 2016 is the first time in nearly 8 years of blogging that I’ve taken a really huge step back from blogging. I went from posting 3-5 times a week to posting maybe 3-5 times a month! The little blue dots in this graph show you on which days in 2016 I published a post. I’ve written 90 posts this year – 29 of them in the first 3 months, 31 in the next 7, and 30 in November alone. Clearly November was an anomaly. 😉

You know what, though? It’s been really nice to get back into the habit. My computer was dying for the entire last month, often not even turning on, and it completely bit the dust a couple of weeks ago. This meant that some posts were shorter and just done on my phone, but it was nice to just be back in this space again. I’ve missed it. There’s something about knowing over 2,300 people clicked into my blog in November that makes me feel not so alone in my struggles & experiences. Now I need to work at being better about commenting in all of YOUR spaces again and not just reading from my blog reader.

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