Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.

As I’ve written about here and there on this blog, 2016 was a tough year for me. In particular the last few months just got to me, and I have completely struggled trying to get a handle on my life. Thankfully, I feel like that fog is lifting and motivation is returning and joy & happiness & fitness is attainable again. For this I am grateful.

I have literally never seen even a minute of a Star Wars movie, so consider me surprised when I googled this blog post title to check the reference and realized it was a quote from Yoda.

Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.

That is where my mind is this year. Trying gives me the option to quit, and I am tired of quitting. Whether it’s in regards to my marriage or job aspirations or parenting style or health goals – I’m tired of quitting. This year my goal is to JUST DO IT. Thanks Nike.

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working out more and feeling so much better (thank you endorphins), so here is what I am doing for the next three months. As always, it’s frustrating to feel like I’m starting at square one again, but at least I’m starting, right?

  • Jan 1 – Flew home from MN. Got 10,000 steps on my Fitbit. Had 1 beer at the airport instead of the 3-4 I’d have normally had in the past (we stopped at 2 different restaurants on layovers). Felt good about my food choices while traveling. Started the year off right.
  • Jan 2 – Started a 3 week round of 21 Day Fix Extreme (#21DFX). I’ve done bits and pieces of this program before, but never the entire thing. Full disclosure, my 35th birthday is on day 19 and my sister’s wedding is day 20, so I will not be following the eating/no drinking plan those days, but I will do all 21 days of workouts and stick to the eating plan other than that.
  • Jan 23 – Start Insanity Max 30. There is a bigger cardio component to this program than 21DFX, so I’m excited to try a new program (thanks to my new All Access Pass from Beachbody – email me for details!). It’s actually a 60 day program, but I can get in 27/28 days before we leave for Spain, so I plan on doing that and then taking a break (i.e. walking all over Spain!) for the next 10 days.
  • Feb 27 – Finish Insanity Max 30. This will take me to April 1st!

Simple, right?

I am strong. I am capable. I will do this.


And yes, this is why my son is named Harvey. <3 


  1. Good for you! I am still searching for my (lost) motivation. . . . 🙂

  2. OMG I love Harvey…when we were deciding on names for Cavan and couldn’t decide, I threw out Harvey while watching Suits because I adore Harvey Spector <3 Good for you for finding your mojo…I hinted to you in my last post I need to text/email/pm you regarding the discussion we had 5 months ago…I may not have my mojo, but I will have better access to it on January 21 😀 Go lady! Be inspiring and PS I love star wars and Yoda. I use that quote nearly every day. My kids both love and hate it when I use it.

  3. mcmissis · · Reply

    Dude, Harvey 😍😍😍😍 Sorry, I completely forgot everything else I was going to say when I got to that picture.

    1. Right? #hawt

  4. Hello, there! It’s been a long time since I’ve visited one of your blogs, and I just spent some time catching up. Lots going on right now … I’m so glad that you’ve managed to continue to write! I should take a page of inspiration from you. 🙂 I also need to eat healthier again and wish I could find a way to fit in some exercise (my mornings are sucked away with kids, and my evenings are sucked away with laundry or whatever and then I fall asleep on the couch), but maybe I just need to commit better. 🙂 I’m glad, too, that you’re taking care of yourself and your relationship with your husband. 3 and 5 are tough ages … don’t be too hard on yourself. We are all figuring this out as we go. <3

    1. Thanks, Justine! Good to see you here!

  5. A reader from Canada here. Will you be doing a challenge group when you start Insanity Max 30? I have that program and would think about blowing the dust off but need some motivation!

    1. I hadn’t thought about it, but we sure could!

      1. Don’t do it just for me – but if you decide, I’m all in! I can send you my contact details or search you on facebook and friend you if you if you set up a challenge group 🙂

        1. Sounds good!

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