Site icon My Cheap Version of Therapy

Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.


As I’ve written about here and there on this blog, 2016 was a tough year for me. In particular the last few months just got to me, and I have completely struggled trying to get a handle on my life. Thankfully, I feel like that fog is lifting and motivation is returning and joy & happiness & fitness is attainable again. For this I am grateful.

I have literally never seen even a minute of a Star Wars movie, so consider me surprised when I googled this blog post title to check the reference and realized it was a quote from Yoda.

Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.

That is where my mind is this year. Trying gives me the option to quit, and I am tired of quitting. Whether it’s in regards to my marriage or job aspirations or parenting style or health goals – I’m tired of quitting. This year my goal is to JUST DO IT. Thanks Nike.

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working out more and feeling so much better (thank you endorphins), so here is what I am doing for the next three months. As always, it’s frustrating to feel like I’m starting at square one again, but at least I’m starting, right?

Simple, right?

I am strong. I am capable. I will do this.

And yes, this is why my son is named Harvey. <3 

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