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#NaBloPoMo – Day 4


Well, I just realized I already forgot to post yesterday on day 3. Oops. Since Harvey didn’t get into preschool this past fall, I’ve had to cut back my hours at work and do a lot of juggling to get childcare covered. Part of that includes watching my friend’s daughter on Fridays (she watches Harvey for me on Wednesdays in return). Her daughter is 2.5 years old, and it is incredible to me to realize how quickly I’ve gotten used to my baby being almost 4. There is a world of difference in the amount of oversight and entertainment needed for those two ages! Thankfully they play pretty well together, though they are prone to their standoffs as well. 😂 Point being, between caring for the kiddos yesterday and solo parenting at night for the third day in a row, I completely spaced blogging! Tonight Stella has her twin best friends here for a sleepover so I’m off to somehow wrangle 4 kids to sleep in the same room. Wish me luck! I’ll do my best to write up a real post tomorrow though. Happy weekend!

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