WWW – Week 6, 35%

Starting Weight: 190.3#
Last week: 183.8#
Weight Loss This Week: 0.8#
New Weight: 183.0#
Total Weight Lost: 7.3#
Weight Left to hit my 1st Goal on June 1: 14.0#

Baby steps, baby steps! I need to work on tracking my food more diligently to get back on the 1# of loss per week train, but continuing to lose overall is always better than continuing to gain! In the past 6 weeks, I’m definitely remembering how much my weight fluctuates between the weekend and mid-week, but being mindful daily is still helping my overall trend to be downward, which I’m beyond happy about!

Stats this past week (Wed-Tues):
1,609 cal + 30m AMT
1,470 cal + 16m AMT
didn’t track + 30m AMT
1,562 cal + snowboarding
1,778 cal, no workout
1,274 + 30m AMT
didn’t track, no workout

Non-Scale Victory for the week:
It’s definitely getting easier to buckle into my snowboard bindings when I’m on the mountain! My snow pants are fitting better and my belly isn’t in the way (as much) when I bend over, which is great! It was CRAZY windy on the mountain last weekend, but I still had a ton of fun riding with a friend whom I’ve never spent one-on-one time with before.

My friend’s attempt at a photo of me on the mountain. LOL.
Blurry, but fun to have a non-selfie photo of myself up there!
And the requisite selfie of course. 😉


  1. You’re over one-third of the way to your first goal — good for you!

  2. Slow and steady wins the race! And can I add how jealous I am of the amazing skiing/snowboarding you have in your backyard?! Ontario wasn’t blessed by the ski/board gods. You’d have a hard time dragging me off the Colorado runs if I lived that close! So awesome for you 🙂

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