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Five Question Friday! 08.27.10


Well, not much to write on the IF front right now, so I figured I’d jump in on one of Mama M’s FQFs. If you want to join in, head on over to her blog and link up! 

1. How many pets do you have?

Well, we currently have two dogs (a 4yo border collie/aussie mix & a 2yo border collie/rott mix), though honestly we’re quite seriously thinking of giving the younger one to my parents when they come to visit in six weeks. He’s a jumper, and when I say jumper, I mean he can jump ANYTHING, which means he subsequently wanders around town being a total nuisance until we find him or he decides to jump back into the (fence in) yard. At this point, I’m afraid he’ll either get hit by a car or nip at a child on a bicycle (bike tires are a trigger for him for some reason – he’s normally very sweet). So yeah, my parent’s dog died a couple of months ago and they’re looking at getting a new pup. Since they live on a farm with many many acres that he can roam on, we’re thinking Kasey might just be happier there. It’s a hard decision to give up your dog though!

2. If you could switch places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?

The Dalai Lama. I think it’d be so wonderful to feel the level of peace and enlightenment that he does on a daily basis. I could use some of that in my life. Two of his three major commitments that “guide him” on a daily basis are the promotion of basic human values or secular ethics in the interest of human happiness” and “the fostering of inter-religious harmony.” How wonderful is that?! Love, happiness, acceptance… all good things to live by. 

3. What is your favorite money saving tip?

Drink lower quality beer, not less. 😉 

Some friends of ours were laughing when we told them that we had to switch to “recession buster beer” this past year (Busch/Busch Light) instead of our normal (Bud/Bud Select) in order to save some money. They made a good point that we could just drink less, but where’s the fun in that?!

4. What do you want your kids to be when they grow up?

HA. What a rude question to ask an Infertile. 

Kidding. Kind of. Anyways, hopefully when I have kids, I just want them to be healthy. I don’t want them to struggle with health issues, or confidence issues, or family issues, or any issues whatsoever. I realize this isn’t realistic, but it’s what I want! I hope I can raise my kids the way my Mom does (she supports us in whatever endeavor strikes a chord with us at that moment in time!).

5. What is your favorite quote?

Never frown, because you never know who might be falling in love with your smile.

I have no idea who wrote this, but I feel like it’s a great reminder on a daily basis of how I want to try to live my life – smiling. It’s definitely harder some days than others, but I can at least try to smile through the tears.

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