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Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In: 13 Weeks Postpartum


Starting Weight: 38w pregnant: 186# / 6wk pp: 161#
Last Week’s Weight: 157.5#
Current Weight: 155.5#

Starting BMI: 24.5
Last Week’s BMI: 23.9
Current BMI: 23.6

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal: 

I’m 5’8″ and have a goal weight of 142# (BMI of 21.6), so I have 13.5# to go.

I’m down 2# this week, which makes a loss of 2.5# over the past four weeks. Not awesome, but not bad. Slowly but surely! Seven weeks ago I was cleared to work out, and with a goal of 1# of weight loss per week, I’m down 5.5#. I can’t really complain, as I have been making an effort to eat healthier and move a little more… but I definitely haven’t made any drastic changes to my lifestyle.

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals:

Progress on last week’s activities:
Eat a low calorie, healthy salad 5x. — 4/5 I believe. We ran out of my spring mix lettuce that I use for my chef salads every day at lunch, and it was a couple of days before we made it to the grocery store. Oops.

Elliptical or stroller walk 3x, ab work 3x. — 2.5/3, 1/3. I did the elliptical once for 45 min, once for 15 min, and I walked Stella in the stroller once. I only did ab stuff once, even though that’s the part of my body I’m least happy with right now. GRRR. Why do I do that to myself? I meant to get to yoga on Monday for some good core work, but work ran late and I didn’t have time to pump or nurse before hand, and I just didn’t feel like being uncomfortable and leaking for the entire class!

Activities & goals for this coming week:
Eat a low calorie, healthy salad 5x. — We’ll be traveling Friday through Monday, so I really hope I can make this a priority even while traveling.
Elliptical or stroller walk 3x, ab work 3x. — Again, traveling Friday through Monday and working every other day before and after. I’m just going to have to make this a priority somehow, though I’m not going to beat myself up to spend my time on the elliptical instead of with my family while in MN.

On-going Life Style Goals:
Drink 8oz every time I sit down to nurse Stella or pump (drinking roughly 100oz water/day).
Choose fruit to snack on instead of chocolate.

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I’ve tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing.

6w postpartum / 8 weeks postpartum / 13 weeks postpartum
I have no idea – I have different pants on, so it’s hard to compare. Seems pretty similar to me to the last pic, but I know my dress pants are fitting better, so SOMETHING must be changing. Maybe it’s my butt. 😉 
My cooking tip of the week would be to make meals that you can customize for each person (instead of having to make totally different meals!). For example, last night I made quesadillas – mine had pineapples, seasoned chicken, jalapenos, and a little bit of cheese. My husband’s had the same, but also had a lot more cheese, bbq sauce, and sour cream. That way we were both satisfied, but mine was a little healthier / lower calorie, and they were still easy to make at the same time! 

Please let me know if you want me to add you to the list below to join in on WWW!
Michele @ Nowhere in NM (TTCer)
Gee @ Gee Baby (TTCer)
Mag @ Witty Infertility (TTCer)
Shannon @ Arkansas Runner (TTCer)
The Cornfed Feminist (TTCer)
Donor Diva @ Motherhood via Egg Donation (TTC#2)
Nico @ Phred, Fwed, and Schweffel (pregnant)
Kristy @ Relaxing Doesn’t Get You Pregnant (postpartum)
One Day @ Are We There Yet? (postpartum – twins)
Laura @ Legos and Jets (postpartum)
Bridget @ The Lost Stork (postpartum)
ks @ Inconceivable!?!?! (postpartum)
jenn @ Adventures of a Nomadic Housewife (postpartum)
Holly @ Holly G. and Co. (postpartum)
Julia @ 3 bed 2 bath 1 baby (postpartum)
Meghan @ Maybe Baby, It’s You…Two! (postpartum – twins)
Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! (postpartum)
Heather @ The Road Less Traveled (postpartum)
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