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Happy Easter!


Here’s a little blurb I wrote on my family blog about Easter:

At the church service yesterday, Pastor Harry had a great sermon about “living it like you mean it.” Very cool. Then during the sharing of joys and concerns, there were so many prayer requests that were baby related – one for premature twins (one wasn’t doing well after a necessary surgery), another for an early delivery because the mother had pre-eclampsia, and yet another for someone’s daughter and her husband who have been struggling to get pregnant and just had their first failed IVF last week. The requests just brought me to tears, especially when I approached the IVF girl’s parents afterwards to tell them I’d be praying for her. I shared just a snippet of our story, and they said, “so you get it then.” Yeah, we do. 🙁

Easter fell on April 24th last year, and we had just found out on the 14th that I was finally pregnant. I remember being so excited that we were hopefully going to be given the gift of a child from God, yet I was so desperately scared that something could go wrong. It makes me ever so grateful that we have Stella here with us this year.

My eyes are blue/green and Charlie’s are very green, so we aren’t sure where she gets those baby blues from, but I sure hope they stick around. Love them! 

She fell asleep during the closing hymn of the service. Love you so much, Stells…
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