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100 Day Challenge #1 – Completed!


My goal is to do some form of exercise every day for 100 days. Some days it might only be a 10 minute walk with Stella, some days it might be a run or a hike or a yoga class, but no matter what, every day I want to get back in the habit of moving my body.

Well, my first attempt at Carlia’s 100 Day Challenge was…interesting. I was definitely better than I would have been without this challenge to inspire me and keep me accountable, but I wasn’t as good as I would have liked to be. Isn’t that always the way?

I was 47/50 for the 1st half of the challenge, and I was 40/50 for the 2nd half, so that gives me an 87% completion rate. Can I get a B+ for that, or at least an E for effort? 😉

I started the challenge on June 1st weighing 156# and wearing a size 12 pant. I finished the challenge on September 8th weighing 160# and wearing a size 12 pant. Um, oops. On a positive note, I’m thankful that I didn’t gain more after a summer of over indulging in 2nd portions and extra drinks, and I’m sure that moving my body (almost) daily helped with that.

Since I’ve gotten more into the habit of exercise and moving my body, I’d say my new challenge needs to be food related so that I can work on my habits on the other half of the puzzle. I’m working on finalizing what exactly I want that challenge to be, but I’m hoping to start it this coming Sunday, September 16th. That will put me at December 24, 2012 for a completion date – just in time for Christmas! It will also give me a week off before starting a 3rd challenge on January 1,  2013 that will most likely be related to my personal habits that are not food or exercise related – maybe something to do with reading. Lookin’ to the future folks!

If anyone wants to join in on another challenge, I believe that Carlia is going to continue to run a list for this. Also, my Mom, sisters and I used a joint google doc to track the progress on our goals this past challenge. Is anyone interested in doing something like that with me this time around?

Happy challenging!

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