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100 Day Challenge #2


Um, yeah, so I meant to start this on Sunday the 16th, but since I completely freakin forgot about it, I started on Sunday the 23rd. That sets me for a December 31, 2012 completion date, which still makes the anal type-A side of me happy.

My 1st challenge had to do with moving my body.
My 2nd challenge will have to do with what I put in my body.

GOAL: 100 drinks in 100 days

Now, the goal isn’t to drink 100 alcoholic drinks in 100 days. If that was the goal, I’d consider myself the valedictorian of this challenge already. No, the goal is to drink no more than 100 drinks in 100 days. I’d say that this past summer I averaged triple that amount (yes, you mathematician you, that’s an average of 3 drinks/day or 21 drinks/week – which means zero some days but way more than that some days). So yeah, that’s a crap load of unnecessary calories, plus it’s just drinking too much lately, and that needs to stop. It’s become habit to crack a beer after work while I’m cooking dinner, and drink another one with dinner, and maybe have one more after Stella is in bed. BAM. Easy peasy to have three drinks a night (especially when you love beer like I do). But also totally unnecessary.

110 calories per Bud Light * 200 drinks I won’t have in the next three months = 22,000 saved calories = 6.3# of beer that won’t turn into additional belly fat. It’s not a coincidence that I’m up roughly 6# in the past 6 months and my pants are all too tight now. 😛 Time to reverse that!

I don’t need a lecture on my drinking habits. I don’t drink soda. I don’t drink coffee. I don’t drink sugary juices. I literally drink water and beer. The good side of that is that I’m not struggling to cut out caffeine and unnecessary calories from anything else, just the beer, and since I did just fine with that when I was pregnant, I am not at all concerned that I can do this again. For me, it’s all about the habit, and I want to get in the habit of grabbing water more often than beer after work.

SO, here’s the plan. My belly is out of control bloated and squishy right now. Post-Baby belly + a summer of drinking with friends = BLAH. So I want to focus on that part of me for the next 3 months.

Official Goals:

*No more than 100 drinks in 100 days.
*300 ab reps every other day for 100 days (so 50 days of that)

That’s it. I’m going to be working on tracking cals and continuing to move my body in other ways as well, but this belly is going to be what I’m concentrating on for the rest of 2012. I find it fitting that after nearly 3 years of blogging about many things, but mainly about my IF experience, my 700th post is back to the basics of why I started this blog – wanting to be a healthier version of me.


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