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Stella Times…42 Weeks


WHOA Nelly!

There was a better pic with your eyes open, but I just thought your legs were so funny in this pic that I had to use it for the weekly shot!

What a big week for you baby girl. First off, you had your first full week of being an amazing sleeper, sleeping about 11 hrs at a shot (8pm-7am). A couple of times you have woken up once for a quick nursing session, but usually you just sleep through until 6:30-7:00, which is awesome.

I really cherish the last nursing session before bedtime, especially since you now sleep through until morning. Whose life is this?! Also, where did my baby go? You are huge in my lap!

This past weekend was beautiful and sunny (which makes it even crazier that it’s been rainy and SO COLD this past week – the mountain tops are full of snow now!). While it was nice, we took advantage of it and had a pool day!

Playing in the mushroom pool one last time to commemorate the end of summer!

THEN, on Sunday, you crawled over to me when we were hanging out in my bed, pulled yourself up, and proceeded to let go and easily STAND THERE, grinning at me with the proudest smile I’ve ever seen on your face. I about died with excitement!! Since then you have let go of everything non-stop and just practiced standing around – it’s pretty crazy/cool to see.

Look ma, no hands!

I didn’t take many pictures this week, but we had a lot of fun hanging out with all of Mommy’s friends that were in town. You even got another overnight at Nana and Papa’s house on Saturday night! It sure is nice to have family around that loves to hang out with you and spoil you rotton. We love you so much Stells.


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