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100 Day Challenge #2 – 25 Day Check-In


50/100 drinks (50%), 3,600/15,000 sit-ups (24%)

So…yeah. I’m pretty sure I underestimated how much I drank this past summer, because I know I’ve cut back, and I’m still at double my goal. Oops. Though, I guess if I was estimating 3 drinks a day, I’ve consumed at least 25 drinks less in the past month than I would have without this challenge… so that’s something at least!  It’s interesting to me to write it all out like this, because I honestly don’t drink more (or less!) than most anyone in our group of friends here. Granted there aren’t many kids in our group yet, so I’m sure that’s part of it, but we really are a bunch of social drinkers. I guess I’ve just never forced myself to acknowledge how much those after-work drinks / weekend BBQ drinks add up though. *sigh*

At any rate, I’m STOKED about my progress with the ab challenge, especially since that’s the exercise I’ve always failed at keeping up with in the past. I’m right on track with that, and I even added in a fusion hot yoga class on Monday — OH how I have missed that class. I’m hoping to make that a weekly thing now, so between the yoga toning, the ab exercises, and fewer drinks, I’m hoping that I will be a happier, slimmer Josey come New Years Eve. 🙂

(You can follow my progress here if you’d like.)

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