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The PAIL Monthly Theme post topic for December is about balancing life, work, and parenthood. Finding the right balance to make sure you’re taking care of all of those areas…it’s an ongoing process, and it’s one I struggle with every day. Sometimes I feel like we really have things dialed in right now…and then sometimes I just feel UGH.


In this category, I consider taking care of myself (physically, mentally, emotionally) and my husband (namely, our relationship and marriage as a whole) as the most important parts. Honestly, I’ve often been often failing at this particular category for the past year. I feel like the “life” part of the equation is the first part I let slide, which basically means I quit working out and eating well which gets me down on myself, and partly because of that and partly because of a lack of positive effort on my part, I start nit-picking at my husband, which in turn puts a strain on our marriage. UGH. I need to make taking care of ME a priority, because when I do, I also take better care of my husband and my family as a whole. Health – physical, emotional, and mental health – is so crucial to a good life. Health and faith.


I’m currently working 35 hrs/week (4 days outside the home), and it’s working out okay. I like my coworkers, and I like the flexibility of working just three minutes from home and daycare. I don’t love that it’s not my dream job. I don’t love that I’m not making much money, and that contributes to me feeling at times that I’m borderline working to pay other people to raise my child. At the same time, I don’t know if I could do the full time SAHM thing. It’s a tricky balance. I actually accomplish more at home now that I’m back at work – somehow knowing that I only have “x minutes” at any given time to do 18 things gets me motivated to check as much as possible off the list…where on my days at home, I tend to think “I’ll do that during her next nap…” and suddenly it’s 5pm and I haven’t done half the shit I meant to. I’m really not sure I could stay home all the time and (1) feel like I’m properly educating/entertaining my daughter, (2) get housework stuff done and still feel fulfilled, (3) not go nuts without adult interaction.


Phew. This is something I have been working at every day, and I think I’m doing pretty great at it. The problem is that I almost always prioritize my parenting above my work and life…and that’s not really balance, and I know it won’t work out for me in the long run. I need to have a strong marriage and sense of self, not to metion feel fulfilled in my work and daily life, in order to model those hopes for my daughter!


So… on to the prompt questions and my thoughts.

So there ya go…our pseudo-ever changing balance. So far it works for us, but we will see what tomorrow brings. 🙂

Stella came with me to my work meeting this morning (yes, on my day off! but at least they like when I bring her with) – AND actually enjoyed her 2nd real time in a convertible carseat. 🙂

Check out everyone else’s great submissions to this topic here!

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