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The Monday Snapshot – Birthday Edition


I’m writing this while coming off the high of spending an entire birthday weekend with my awesome family and great friends. On Friday after work, a few of my girlfriends randomly showed up in need of a drink, and the four of us ended up going out for an impromptu girls’ night after Stells was in bed. On Saturday, I spent the morning getting my hair cut & colored, the afternoon running errands with my husband and daughter, and the evening out with 10 of my nearest and dearest friends for dinner and then back to our house for cards and drinks. Stella was at her grandparent’s for the night, so we even got to sleep in a bit on Sunday!

Yesterday was my actual birthday, and I got to spend the day on the mountain with one of my very best girlfriends. Her husband is a ski patroller, and they were able to hook me up with a free ski pass for the day (a $100+ value, yippee!). We were only on the mountain for about four hours, but it sure felt great to get outside and feel the sun on our faces, breathe in the fresh air, and take some turns in the snow. Not a bad way to spend the first day of my 31st year. 🙂

One I got home around 5pm, I spent the evening hanging out with Char and Stella. We were goofing around on the floor and reading books in her room. I did my darndest to get a family pic of us with my camera phone, but it is getting harder and harder with a little girl who is such a mover and a shaker!

What a great birthday weekend. 🙂


This is part of a weekly feature called The Monday Snapshot over at PAIL.
Click here to join in and learn a little more about SRB (Sarah – one of the main contributors and one of my closest blog friends) this week!

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