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Hanging In There!


Well, so far we are hanging in there. Charlie took the day off of work and spent all day sleeping and laying around, trying to get his strength back. At this point he’s hoping to work tomorrow morning, so fingers crossed that he feels good in the morning. I felt pretty horrid all night Sunday night and Monday morning (to the point that I woke up multiple times trying not to puke – ugh), but I’m doing okay at this point. Not 100%, but not puking. We’re still hoping that Stella will escape this round relatively unscathed. She was super grumpy and not herself at daycare all day, to the point that they actually gave her some iBuprofen at 4pm, but we are hoping it’s just teething. Bedtime went okay at 8pm, she woke up bawling at 9pm (not normal for her), though after I rocked her back to sleep, she seems to be doing okay for now. Fingers crossed that this illness passes her by – babies (er, toddlers?) shouldn’t have to get sick!!

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