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Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In


-Starting Weight: 5’8″ and 172.9# / BMI 26.3
-Last Week’s Weight: 165.1#
-Current Weight: 164.6#
-Goal Weight: 152.0#

Avg Daily Steps – 8,231 (goal was 6,500/day)
Avg Daily Calories – 1,688 (822 deficit/day – goal was 750 deficit/day)
# Floors Climbed – 114(goal was 100)

Well, my calorie intake was up, but so was my daily step count, so overall it was a good week, and I still lost 1/2#. I like eating, so it’s definitely good that I’m really focusing on getting lots of movement in during the day as well lately. 🙂 I blew away my step goal again, which is awesome. When I started tracking with the FitBit, it was really hard for me to even average 4k, and now I’ve doubled that! I still only get about 2,500 steps/day when I’m at work, so it’s requiring lots of running the stairs at our house or jumping on the elliptical or taking a walk with Stella to get those numbers up. It’s also motivating me to walk more places instead of drive on my days off, so that’s good!

Goals for this coming week:

Average Daily Steps – 7,000/day – I want to keep the ball rolling on having increased movement just be a standard part of my daily routine. This past week I moved between 5k-12.5k steps/day.

Average Calorie Deficit – 750/day (which would equate to 1.5#/week) – I need to stay diligent about tracking my food and make sure I’m counting every bite of Stella’s food that goes in my mouth! I also want to make sure I’m eating more veggies every day.

Total # Floors Climbed – 100. FitBit requires a 10′ elevation gain at a time to count it as a “floor” – and a lot of times the stairs in our house don’t quite cut it. BUT, if I bend my knees at the bottom before I start, then I get credit for the flight.

Weekly Tip:

Mix Veggies Into Everything! I’m a big fan of kids knowing what their food looks like (hence not specifically “hiding” veggies in food), but at the same time, it’s hard for kids and adults alike to eat enough veggies in a day, at least in my house! I’ve started doubling (or tripling) the vegetable ingredients in my recipes lately, and it’s awesome. If it says 1 bell pepper – I add 2. If it says 5 oz steamed spinach – I use 10oz. So far everything has still tasted great, and it had the added benefit of making the meals all a little healthier!

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