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8 Weeks


Eight weeks was the first time I really wrote a “check-in” post during my pregnancy with Stella, and I figured I should do the same for this little one. I’m not sure if I’ll do the weekly write-ups like I did last time, but I do want to make sure I record things about this pregnancy as well. Reading through my Mom’s pregnancy journal about me was one of the coolest things I’ve ever read, and I hope this kiddo thinks the same someday about reading my blatherings! 🙂

I know we’re not in the clear yet, but so far the all day extreme nausea/vomiting plus lack of bleeding gives me continued confidence that this little one is burrowed in well. (Please oh please don’t make me eat my words on that, God) My first official appointment with our midwife is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25th at 11w6d. We had a long informational meeting with he and his wife (a retired NICU nurse) at 5w6d that went really well, and after giving Charlie some time to chew on it, he has agreed to support my hopes for a home birth this time around. Yay!!! I’ll write a whole post about this soon (I promise – once the damn vomiting stops), but I am beyond excited about this turn of events.

Also, because this is a “spontaneous, healthy pregnancy,” the standard is to not get an ultrasound until the anatomy scan at 20w, but I think we’re going to request a “dating ultrasound” sometime before 12 weeks, even though I know my dates perfectly. It’s worth the out of pocket expense to have that reassurance that all is well in my ute. How the hell do fertiles wait like that? Related, I’m feeling very lost about this easily attained pregnancy and my status in the ALI community. More thoughts on that soon.

Symptoms thus far:

Overall, I’m in awe that I’m 1/5 of the way through this pregnancy. I know that the first 4 weeks don’t really count, but I distinctly remember this date in my pregnancy with Stella and thinking WHOA. It’s completely amazing to be here again, even though I’m feeling like hell and more than ready to be done with this part of pregnancy. I’m actually down about 1/2 pound at this point from my BFP weight – it’s just hard to keep anything down. 🙁 I’m sure hoping that the next month flies and I’m in the 2nd trimester and hopefully nausea free before you know it!

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