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The Best Birthday Yet


I woke up for the first time today at 1:15am after a wondrous 4 hour stretch of sleep (thanks, Harvey!). As I nursed my baby boy, I thought oh my gosh, this is exactly how and so NOT how I envisioned my life would be when I was 32. It’s continually astonishing to me lately to realize that even though we obviously have struggles and hard times like everybody else, SO many of my dreams have come true these past few years, and I am so incredibly blessed.

Harvey’s next wake up was 4 hours later at 5:45 (seriously kid – that was a perfect gift of sleep for your Momma last night!), and as I nursed him again, I heard Stella wake up in her room, so Charlie went and grabbed her and brought her into bed with us. We spent the new few minutes cuddling as a family, and Charlie & Stella sang me happy birthday. We might not have gotten the perfect picture, but it was SUCH a perfect birthday morning. 🙂

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