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The Top 5 Issues I Had with the #HIMYMfinale



Honestly, I actually loved How I Met Your Mother for 8 of the 9 seasons. Sadly, this season just dragged on,  but Charlie and I slogged through it out of respect for the previous eight seasons that we loved. Heck, our daughter Stella’s name was inspired by Ted’s girlfriend STELLA from Season 3/4. After the finale last night though, I was left just shaking my head, admittedly because of my own issues in life, but still!

In no particular order, here are the top 5 reasons (#withhashtags) I wish I’d have quit watching this show a season early…

5) The entire finale season centered around a wedding that ended in 3 years because the husband just couldn’t support his wife who had landed her dream job, even though he knew going into it that had always been her dream & goal. #FamilyIssuesPTSD

4) Barney was actually growing up and turning into a pretty great guy… and then WHAMMO, his character is back to square one. And of course he ended up with a kid from the [thirty-one] night stand. #InfertilityPTSD

3) We finally get to know Ted’s sweet as pie wife – and then she died while their kids were young. I am SO over the best people dying lately. #IMissJaime

2) The entire show was apparently about how Ted can convince his kids it’s okay to hook up with their aunt after their Mom dies. #WTF?

1) I seems like Ted only hooked up with his dream girl to get the kids that the “one who got away” (who he ended up with anyway) couldn’t give him. #InfertilityPTSD #WhyDoGuysGetItAll?

So there ya go. I didn’t hate the entire episode by any means, but the way it was all wrapped up… *sigh* … I’m just super bummed with it.

What are your thoughts on it? Did you like the finale?


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