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MILF Check-In: 7.5 Months Postpartum


Well, somehow I got off schedule from writing my monthly fitness updates, but I’m happy to report that I’m still at it and seeing results on the scale! I started both pregnancies at 161# (I’m 5’8″ tall), and I saw 156.6# on the scale this morning! My goal is to get down to 150#, and I’m feeling great about the prospect of that happening. 🙂

That being said, I have 6 weeks left until I’m 9 months postpartum, and I want to take these next 6 weeks to really work on my toning. I weigh slightly less than I did pre-pregnancy, but my body is still measuring about a size bigger thanks to a lack of tone. People always say that it takes 9 months to put it on so you should give yourself 9 months to get it off, and I want to be proud of where I’m at 9 months postpartum with Harvey!

I’m a check mark girl, so here is the calendar I made up to follow for the next 6 weeks. Every day I do the workout, I get to mark it off the calendar. It makes my type-A self happy. 🙂

In addition to the workouts, I’m trying to keep my diet on point by tracking everything in MyFitnessPal. I love that it syncs with my FitBit, so I get more/fewer calories allowed based on my movement that day. However, I’ve realized that shooting for 10k+ steps every day really isn’t a benefit for me at this point in time. I need to focus on toning exercises – not just walking walking walking. With a little effort I can get to 6k/day and with a lot of effort I get to 10k/day, but I’d rather focus on a targeted exercise videos for those extra couple thousand steps than walking circles in my bedroom watching Bachelor in Paradise to get to 10k. Walking circles won’t give me any cardio/toning benefit, and that needs to not be the goal right now. If I stay in the top 10 of my Fitbit friends I tend to be around 70k/week, so I’d love to average 10k steps/day, but I’m going to make peace with the face that I won’t hit 15k/day to be on top. Quality over quantity. (for me – maybe those of you doing 15k are doing quality steps – but I was not!)

My goal for the next 6 weeks:

May 1, 2013: 161# – 4w pregnant
January 12: 181.2# – 40w4d pregnant
January 15: 166.5# – 3d postpartum
February 12: 163.9# – 1m postpartum
March 12: 162.3# – 2m postpartum
March 15: My SIL died. I eat & drink my way through grief.
April 12: 167.0# – 3m postpartum
May 12: 168.3#​ – 4m postpartum
June 12: 163.0# – 5m postpartum
July 12: 160.2# – 6m postpartum
August 31: 156.6# – 7.5m postartum

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