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Putting My Money where the Scale is


I feel like my posts are jumping all over the place lately, but I suppose that’s because my life is a little busy, a little nuts, a lot happy, and a little sad… and my writing reflects that. At any rate, thanks for sticking with me through the ups and downs.

10 days in, I’m excited to say that I am still doing really well with my 6 week health & fitness challenge to myself! The scale is not really reflecting it yet, but I’m trying to focus on continuing with my toning workouts and dialing in my food and drink choices. I’ve drank a little too much this past week, and I really want to rein that in for the next month (except for Ann’s wedding on 9/26 – I can’t wait to celebrate she and Adam’s marriage with Charlie at their open bar! *grin*)… but in all seriousness, I want to really focus on my body and health and get back in the habit of treating myself well.

SO, I was reading Mama Laughlin the other day and she had written about this new fitness challenge she was organizing over on DietBet. Initially I clicked away and thought no way, but I kept going back to it and I ended up taking the plunge! Basically, for $35, you bet that you can lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks. If you don’t do it, you’re out the $35 you bought in for. If you DO lose 4%, you split the pot with everyone else who achieves it. According to their website, roughly 31% of people hit their goal on average, so the “winners” tend to take home 100-150% of their initial buy in.

I’m super cheap on a lot of things, so this is good motivation for me to really buckle down and do this. 🙂

The challenge starts this morning, and I weighed in at 160.4# when I did my official weigh in yesterday morning (here’s my profile). That means I need to get to 154# by October 7th, which dovetails nicely with my original goal for this 6 week challenge to myself. I don’t normally believe in trying to lose more than 0.5-1.0#/week because I don’t think it’s a sustainable lifestyle change, but I like the idea of hitting it hard for a month to jump start change and then scaling back to more a toning and maintenance lifestyle. Ultimately I want to be a fit & toned 150#, and I think this will be a great way to keep me going in that direction.

As I write this on Monday night (I just finished watching Bachelor in Paradise after my workkout – awhhhh), there are over 1,400 players competing in the challenge and there is over $50,000 in the pot. After DietBet takes their 25% cut, if 31% of the people hit their goal (including ME!), the winners would all walk with $85+ AND healthier bodies.

I’m incredibly excited about this challenge and saying goodbye to the 160s forever!

Also, FYI, if you want to follow along with my 6 Week MILF Challenge to myself, I’m detailing it on this page as I go. It’s my goal that between those workouts helping me to drop a few more pounds and tone up and focusing on my food to hit my goals for the DietBet challenge, I will hit that 9 month postpartum mark feeling strong and confident and healthy. Who’s with me?! 🙂

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