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WWW – Post Thanksgiving Binge Week


So I’m sick, again. Strep throat this time (not the recurring, horrible full body illness I’ve been having the last few months, thank God), but still, I am over this! Yesterday I felt like death & like I had razor blades in my throat. It’s like my body cannot handle a few days of drinking and late nights like it used to pre-kids when I was in my 20s. Weird, right? 😉 Sleep deprivation = weakened immune system. Yep. #SoNoted

At any rate, as fun as it was to have some drinks and stay up late chatting with friends and family this past week, I am back on the healthy living train. My goal is to be very good to my body until we go to MN on the 19th, and then continue to be good to my body (while having some fun with family & friends in MN) over those next 11 days.

After being up 4.5# by last weekend, overall I’m only up 0.7# from a week that included eating & drinking & sleeping out of the norm nearly every single night, so I’ll take it.

On the upside – I slept for over 11 hours last night (7:15-6:30). Insane — and much needed. It’s the best sleep I’ve had in months, and it’s the best sleep the kids have had on the same night in months (Harv has been on the 4:15 up for the day routine lately and it’s killing me!). Stella slept from 8pm-6:45am and Harvey from 7pm – 7:15am last night. It’s amazing how rejuvenating it is to get some good, unbroken sleep. I tossed and turned a bit at 11 because my throat was hurting, but that’s the only time I remember moving all night!

My goals for the next 4 weeks to finish out 2014:

Feeling good at this weight with a fresh new hair cut & color, but I’m not done yet!

How about you? What are you doing to keep from gaining the American standard 5# during the holidays?

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