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Year 2014 in Review


I know that every year has its ups and downs for all of us, but I feel like 2014 was particularly jarring for my family on the scale of highs and lows. In some ways that was a great thing, and in many other ways it just plain sucked. Following is a quick year in review for those of you who are new to this space…

I had a fantastically amazing home birth with our son. 2014.01.12

My very favorite aunt died due to a horridly sad suicide. I miss her every day. 2014.01.13

My sister-in-law died on March 15th. I spent a lot of time grieving. Still do. 2014.03.15

We pulled the kids from a daycare I had grown increasingly unhappy with and hired a Nanny – the best decision ever for our kids. 2014.04.06

My maternal grandmother died after slowly losing her spark for life thanks to Alzheimer’s. 2014.06.11

I learned that being a little incompetent would go a long ways towards helping my husband’s skills & competence in parenting our children. 2014.06.25

Evidence Based Birth published their Waterbirth Safety article, including a picture of yours truly! 2014.07.10

I spent a lot of time decluttering my home. 

I took a 10 day vacation to Minnesota and spent a lot of time hanging out with both my family and my blog friends.

My husband and I took our first vacation without kids together since our honeymoon 6 years ago! 2014.09.29 Much needed.

I worked all year on losing the baby weight and regaining my health & fitness (always a work in progress). 2014.10.15

We moved our kids into a shared bedroom – and we pretty much love it! 2014.11.21

And finally, we spent the majority of the holiday season together as an extended family – both my side and Charlie’s side of the family. It’s truly the best thing we could have done in order to weather our first year together without Jaime.

A huge thanks to all of your who read and comment and support me. I couldn’t (wouldn’t) do it without all of you here…

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