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Podcasts 101…aka, It’s Not That Hard :)


Until a few months ago, I had NO idea what a podcast was. I mean, I knew it was a free radio show of some sort, but that’s about it. Then last fall the Serial podcast went mainstream, and I decided to try to “figure this podcast thing out” so I could check it out.

Um, yeah. I have an iPhone. Figuring it out literally meant I went to the pre-loaded “Podcasts” icon, clicked on “Search,” and downloaded the series (for free!) within a matter of minutes while I was on my home wi-fi. That’s it. #doh

Consider me hooked!

I grabbed my headphones and started listening. I listened when I was driving, when I was walking, when I was prepping my mason jar salads during nap time on Sunday. I listened to the entire series and wanted more!

The next series I found was also an NPR production, and it’s called Invisibilia. From their website:

Invisibilia (Latin for all the invisible things) is about the invisible forces that control human behavior – ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions. Co-hosted by Lulu Miller and Alix Spiegel, Invisibilia interweaves narrative storytelling with scientific research that will ultimately make you see your own life differently.

Ooooooh it is GOOD. Serial was an actual story telling of sorts (you definitely wanted to listen to the episodes in chronological order), but Invisibilia you can listen to in bits and pieces in any order you would like. So far I think “Entanglement” was my favorite in the series. It’s about how we are all quite connected to those around us – often quite literally – and it speaks to why I’ve been working so hard to surround myself with supportive, uplifting people the last few years (and to cut the cord with those who just constantly bring drama and negativity to my life). However, they are all fantastic episodes in different ways, and I am SO glad I found this series. I’m quite curious what you all would think about it!

My Mom sent me this meme a few weeks ago with the following caption: Happiness begins at a cellular level– The cells in your body react to everything that your mind says. Negativity brings down your immune system. Activate “happy cells” by embracing the positive. Deliberately focusing on good feeling thoughts allows your body’s cells to dance to their natural rhythm of well being.

How about you? Do you have any Podcasts you would recommend? I know I am YEARS late to this party, so I’m sure there are some good ones out there to check out!

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