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The Monday Snapshot – #LoveWins


Last Friday I was at a work conference a couple of hours from home, and when I checked my phone during one of the breaks, I saw post after post on both my Twitter and Facebook timelines filled with joyous words and celebration about the SCOTUS decision. Love is love, and now everyone has the ability to marry whomever they would like and have it recognized by the state. So very cool.

At any rate, I drove up to Denver that night after my work conference in order to stay with one of my oldest and bestest friends for the weekend. We haven’t had a girls’ weekend together like that in probably 5 years, and it was SO much fun to spend some quality time together and do some bike riding and bar hopping. 🙂 Before we headed out to the bars that first night, we took a selfie and I uploaded it to FB and used the #celebratepride app to put the rainbow over the photo because we had been talking about how excited we were about the ruling. We headed out to the bars and I thought nothing else of it.

The next day my friend mentioned that she was probably going to get questions about her sexuality because of the photo because she’s super private about the guys she dates so they’re very rarely pictured on Facebook. I laughed, but didn’t REALLY think she’d get comments.

Sunday morning we woke up to a comment from one of her FB acquaintances on a new pic I’d posted of us with the hashtag #oldroomies. He said “Ohh….. I thought you were coming out… Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” It went on from there (it was a little ridiculous, seriously, just weird shit to post in a FB comment), but you should’ve seen the laugh we got out of it! In the end though, I’m just glad that #lovewins and it’s finally being reinforced in America that we all deserve equal rights in that arena of life!

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