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Milestones for Mister Harvey


This morning we reached a new milestone for the Harv-man. He has a pair of PJs that have trucks and cars on the pants and shirt (and apparently I don’t have a single picture of him in them?), but MAN OH MAN are they his favorite PJs to wear. Just in the past couple of weeks he always points at the trucks and smiles when I put the shirt on and tries to say “vroom.”

Well, this morning I was trying to get him dressed before his Nana came to pick him up, and HOLY HELL did he lose his mind when I stripped him down. This is a pretty regular occurrence lately so I wasn’t really paying attention to him at first. Honestly, 18ish months is not my favorite age, especially when he is not a big talker so communication is a challenge with him lately. As he scrambled into the closet where I had thrown the PJs into the hamper, I realized that he was freaking out not because I was changing him, but because he wanted to continue to wear the dang truck shirt.

How is he old enough to care about what clothes he is wearing? I liked having a little man I could dress up however I wanted to each morning! (and who am I kidding, Stella has insisted on picking out his outfits for the past couple of months – I think she’s going to be sadder than me about this development)


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