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Misc Friday Thoughts


Being Nice vs. Being Kind: I just read this short post this morning and thought YEP. That’s my goal in life. Also, I could have written nearly every single word of that post. I love her blog. Definitely go check her out!

TTC#3? Thank you for all of the wonderful comments on my post last week about the conundrum of trying (or not) for another child. It’s a tough decision since my husband and I aren’t on the same page right now. I figure I’ll give it another year and a half, but by the time I’m 35 I want to be trying again or be done. We shall see… It’s comforting to know it’s obviously a big decision that all of us have had to face, and either way at least we have our two awesome kids.

Stitch Fix: Thanks for all of your fun feedback! I decided to keep the Margaret M Emer Pants and send everything else back, especially in light of suddenly having way more bills in our future for not-so-fun stuff. I wore them to work yesterday with heels, and I got SO.MANY.COMPLIMENTS. Nobody ever comments on my outfits, so that was kind of fun. 🙂 I can totally see these being an item I wear every single week in different ways. I’m in love!

Money Crap: The auto mechanic offered us $4k to buy the damn truck as-is (he would to the repairs on his own time for free and try to flip it, which totally makes sense), so now we get to decide if we want to do that and still have to pay nearly $5k on a loan that’s for nothing AND get a $40k loan to buy a new truck that has a warranty that we don’t have to worry about for years…. or if we want to spend the money to fix the existing truck and hope it doesn’t have any other issues coming down the pipe (the truck has 100,000 miles on it), which means another $10k loan anyway. *sigh* This is bringing it to the forefront how much better we need to get about paying down debt and having an emergency fund so situations like this aren’t so stressful. Lesson learned, Dave Ramsey.

The Tooth: For those who are curious, the implant for my front tooth is healing really well, and the new permanent implant tooth should get placed right around Thanksgiving. Every once in awhile I catch myself flipping it in and out of place (because of the teenage habit of using my tongue to pull the retainer off the roof of my mouth – the temp tooth is attached to a retainer), but usually I catch myself pretty quickly, because nobody wants to see my front tooth moving up and down. Ha! Thank God I had been putting money in a HSA account for the last few years, so even though this is costing us thousands, at least we had money set aside for medical issues. Sometimes I can eat with it in, but often I have to take it out, which always makes my husband and brother shudder a bit. The kids find it fascinating. LOL

My Brother: I don’t think I’ve actually written about it on this blog, but my little brother moved from MN to CO and in with us last May. He’s the youngest of 5 and I’m the oldest of the 5, so we’re 9 years apart in age, but we get along swimmingly. The plan was to live with us 3 months, and now it’s September 4th. Oops. I know my husband is ready to have his house back, but it’s honestly gone really well. He’s been working for Charlie and for Charlie’s Dad, so I think it’s just been a lot of 24/7 time for them. Thankfully my brother is fantastic with the kids, we’ve gotten to go on a date night every month, and it’s just been fun to get to know him as an adult. I’m pretty sure he’s moving out next week (his buddy is buying a house that should close next week), and it’s going to be weird to not have him around…though I am excited to have my guest room back! At least he’ll only live 3 blocks away, so I’m sure we will still see quite a bit of him.

House Projects: Charlie and his Dad are just finishing building a house and the homeowners ordered way too much stone. It’s non-returnable, so instead of throwing it in the dumpster, we up-cycled it to our house! Charlie’s buddy is a mason, so he is donating his time on nights/weekends to help Charlie put it on the front of our house (and maybe along the wall to our front door if we have enough), and next year when his buddy builds his own place, Charlie is going to donate his time to help him pour his foundation and walls. In light of the truck hoopla it’s not an ideal time to have a couple hundred dollars of extra expenses (for the material to adhere the stone to the house), but I am SO excited about how much nicer this is going to make our house look. It makes me smile every time I pull up, and it’s not even done yet!

How’s that for a random compilation of thoughts?

Happy Friday, y’all!

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