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The Monday Snapshot – Tantrums


For the last month or so we have been unfortunately venturing back into the world of the almighty tantrum. HOLY HELL I forgot how much I dislike this age with my children. Obviously, disclaimer, I love my kids, blah blah blah… but right now, I can love Harvey without actually enjoying his company very much. He has some adorable, hysterical, laughter inducing moments… but he also has MANY more moments that incite not-so-awesome parenting reactions such a yelling, stomping, and locking someone (either him or ourselves) into a bedroom to calm down.

Seriously, is there anything that makes you feel like a worse parent than locking your barely 2 year old into his room and listening to him scream and beat on the door while you walk circles in your own room just to calm down because otherwise you are afraid you will totally snap on a child who is just trying to learn how to handle these big emotions?

Parenting a toddler at it’s finest. I’m not rocking it.

Stella threw some tantrums, but I (rightly or not, I’m fully aware memories fade with time) never remember her being THIS insane. All day long we are negotiating with a tiny terrorist who has NO problem throwing himself to the ground and SCREAMING bloody murder while crying hysterically, hitting everything and everyone in sight, and being completely irrational. It’s exhausting (for all of us!) to put it mildly, and more than anything, I just really miss wanting to spend more time with my baby boy. *sigh*

A very typical scene at our house lately (and I literally took this photo just before writing this post) – Stella calmly playing and focusing on something, Harvey in hysterics on the floor next to her. *sigh* 


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