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Day 15, #NaBloPoMo – Therapy


Today I reached out to therapists in the area to try to figure out who I wanted to book an appointment with. Nothing is scheduled yet, but I’m forcing myself to book something tomorrow. I’m honestly struggling with who to choose. I could pay $80/session to see a woman whose office is 1 block away – it’s more convenient, cheaper, and I like her background and how she (appears) to handle sessions, and yet we have 25 mutual FB friends in a town of 1,000 people (she appears to be maybe 5-10 years older than me) and that makes me nervous. I’m afraid I won’t open up to her because of this. The alternative is a man in the town 30 minutes away, I also love his therapeutic resume and the fact we aren’t part of the same community, but it’s $120/session and not nearly as convenient to try to work into my schedule between a full time job and parenting. Thoughts?

Also, I’ve done a couple of elliptical workouts lately, but that’s it. My motivation is gone, for everything. The apathy is overwhelming.

Tonight Stella walked into the guest room and asked me if she could work out by herself since I hadn’t worked out with her lately. 😕 That hurts.

Ugh, I’m back at it tomorrow. That’s the plan. Hold me to it.

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