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Did You Know That It’s Awards Season?


Okie dokie, I’m finally getting a chance to respond to the blog awards bestowed upon me of late, and now I can’t remember what the 4th one was (or who nominated me). Sorry! If it was you, shoot me an email and let me know and I’ll add you to this post. My bad. 🙂

From McMissis (thank you!)

As part of the award, I’m supposed to come up with 5 words that describe my blog and nominate 10 other bloggers for it. HA. Sorry, I’m not going to do it. You can’t make me. 10? It feels like the chain letter in 3rd grade where you’re forcing your friends into it simply because you don’t want to be the one to drop the ball. Actually, that’s just the best excuse I could find to not have to follow through with instructions, but you’ll forgive me, right?

5 words that describe my blog…(or blogging content I guess?)
Man, that was harder than I thought it would be. I hope y’all agree with me on the descriptions. Any that you would have added to the list?

From The Goodyear Family and  Waiting for Baby (Andrea) – thank you ladies! I’m honored!

The Rules…
1. Thank whoever gave you the award. – CHECK
2. Tell 7 things about yourself that readers may not know.

*I’m fluent in French, used to live in Rennes (in the province of Brittany), and I pray every day that I’ll live there again with my family before I die, at least for a summer. I want my kids to know French and my husband to experience why I loved it there so much.
*I’m the oldest of 5 kids – we’re all super close and I love them to death. We’re 28, 25, 23, 21, and 19!

*Back in the 80s, my Mom used the Fertility Awareness Method outlined in my favorite book Taking Charge of Your Fertility both as a birth control and contraceptive aid for planning the four oldest sisters…little bro was an accident under the influence of alcohol, a sauna, and my Dad where she “should have known better b/c she was ovulating.” LOL (sorry Mom, but that cracks me up, and gives me hope that if my body straightens out, I will never have to go back on hormonal birth control!) We love our little brother, so it all worked out in the end the way it was supposed to anyway. 🙂
*My husband loves his job building custom homes, absolutely loves it, and I’m so proud of him (jealous of him!) for that fact. It’s a wonderful thing. Not enough people love their jobs. It’s an inspiration for me to find something I love to do.
*Speaking of love, I love reality tv. Love it. I grew up not really watching TV (sometimes an hour of Full House – that’s it!), but now that we have 8 gazillion channels b/c my hubby is a sports fanatic, I’m constantly setting the DVR to record “The Bachelor Pad” and the like. It’s sad, I know.
*I could live on cheese & beer. Honestly, if I was on a desert island, that’s what I’d ask for. Any kind of cheese (the stronger the better!), and preferably a light beer (Bud Select, Mich Golden Draft Light, etc).
*I wasn’t sure my husband was “the one” for a really long time. When we first started dating, neither of us was in a place of wanting commitment and such. There was no day where I thought BAM – he’s the one! It was a love that grew over time. He’s my best friend and my husband – the best of both worlds!

3. Pay it forward by nominating 10 bloggers you’ve recently discovered – Please read Above – I’m totally flaking on the 10 thing.

Okay, this sat in my drafts for a bit, and I’ve changed my mind about nominating a few ladies. That’s allowed, right? Great! Consider yourself nominated for either or both. 🙂

There’s a few new ladies that I’ve begun following over the past couple of months that I want you to check out. I love ’em.

Katie @ From If to When. Your writing inspires me on this journey. Powerful.
Oak @  The Elusive Embryo. If we lived near each other IRL, I think we’d be BFFs. Seriously.
Sarah @ Bryan & Sarah’s Adoption Story. I know Sarah IRL, and it was heartbreaking for me to realize she too struggles with IF. Check out her story!
Kelly @ Little Looman Log – Our crazy emotions are somehow in sync a lot of the time. It’s creepy, in a good way. 🙂
Amanda @ Our Fertility Journey. We’re figuring out that we have a TON in common. Not always a good thing, but I thank her for her friendship through these crazy times!
Attack of the Redneck Mommy – Hysterical, truthful, honest writing. Love it.
Kelle @ Enjoying the Small Things. Beautiful writing. Stunning Pictures. Read this story before anything else on her blog!
Maggie May @ Flux Capacitor. Some of the most honest, heart wrenching, beautiful writing and poetry that I’ve ever read. Check out this post about marriage and bipolar disorder. 
Pacing the Panic Room. I love his pictures & videos. Also love that it’s a guy’s perspective on things.
Ruth @ sarc. A truthful, witty, sarcastic look at being a slightly unbalanced loving single mom to 4 kids with a husband who is gone serving in the military and no longer a part of her life (b/c he cheated on her).  
So there ya go… there’s your required reading for the day… 😉 Hope you learned something interesting about me today! 
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