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Welcome ICLWers!


For those of you here from ICLW, welcome!
For those of you who have stuck it out with me through the joys, the tears, and the swearing, thank you!


This is a big cycle for me and my husband in IF land. We’ve been TTC since July 2009, and after 20 months (and maybe 8 actual ovulations), we’re finally trying our first medicated IUI cycle. We live in southwest Colorado about 350 miles from the nearest RE, so we’ve tried everything possible to get knocked up sans RE help… alas, copious amount of beer and pretending it’s a one night stand, lots of relaxing, numerous acupuncture appointments, herbs & meditation, and 4 non-monitored cycles with Clomid (50,100,100,150) have all resulted in BFNs. So here we are!

I have super irregular cycles (damn you PCOS) so with lots of temping and OPKs, we’ve figured out that when my body does bother to ovulate, it’s usually between CD19-30. Ya, how do you like that range? Surprisingly, my husband doesn’t like being forced into coitus every other day for 12 days just to make sure we are doing our best to hit the right day. Whiner. 😉

That being said, I’m super curious to see what happens once we throw menopur into the mix (plus daily or every other day ultrasounds to really know what’s going on in there). My RE thinks I’ll ovulate closer to CD14… but I’m just not sure. I hope he’s right, because every day longer my body decides to go, it’s like throwing another $100-200 down the drain thanks to Menopur and OOP (out of pocket) ultrasounds. Yikes. C’mon follies – GROW QUICKLY!!

I’m writing this on Sunday night b/c tomorrow morning we are headed 3 1/2 hrs to our friends’ house for the night – then onto Denver on Tuesday morning for another appointment at CCRM. Since my husband is working out of state right now (he’ll be gone CD9-23 this cycle), we’re spending $700 (UGH) to freeze a sample to ensure that when it come time to trigger, there are some spermies in the state that are allowed to get me pregnant without it causing a divorce since my husband was out of town.

Weird, right?

So here we are. I’m on CD7 when you’re reading this, and hopefully still being nice to my husband, even with the Clomid Craaaazies going on. On Wednesday (CD9) I’ll inject myself for the very first time with my first daily 75iu dose of Menopur, and on Friday (CD11), I’ll go in for my first monitoring appointment/ultrasound to see how the follies are progressing.

Wish us luck! I look forward to reading about all of your journeys this week. I love ICLW. 🙂

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