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15 Weeks, and Totally Exhausted


Phew. I can’t believe how the weeks are just flying along! I’ve been working a ton, and I’m starting to get nervous about how much longer I’m going to be able to maintain doing doubles. Yesterday, for example, I from 10am-4pm I was waitressing on a 3rd story rooftop and running stairs all day (the bar & kitchen are on the main floor)…then from 4pm-11:30pm I was bartending across the street. I was seriously dragging by the end of the night, and when I crawled into bed at midnight, every bit of my body ached. Waking up on Thursdays is always a bit of torture for me. Ugh. At the same point, I feel like every extra shift I do, every extra dollar I make…that means more time with less stress for me to stay home with the baby one RockStar is here, you know? How do you find that balance?

Okay, on to the weekly update. 

*RockStar is 4″ long and weighs 2.5oz now (the size of a naval orange). Wow. I find myself holding my fingers 4″ apart all of the time and staring at them in disbelief…it’s honestly hard to believe that there’s a freakin’ human growing inside of me. 

*I weighed 164# this morning. Down 1# from last week, and up 3# overall. I’m guessing this is a combo of working a lot (hence lots of physical activity) + I’m pooping again!! Never thought I’d proclaim that on the world wide web. 🙂 Things still aren’t normal by any means, but I think the crazy amounts of water I’m drinking + fiber and physical activity are finally helping out the ole’ digestive system. I want to start some probiotics as well. 

Also, have I mentioned how crazy it is to me that my weight is staying so steady since the BFP (within about 5-6# at all times so far)? This pregnancy is only burning a couple hundred extra calories a day at this point, and for me, at least, it made me really realize how much more I can eat (and still easily maintain my weight) when I’m not drinking alcohol. That being said, I’m definitely not giving up alcohol for life. I like my cold beer and delicious wine! Off tangent again, I’m kind of excited to be a lightweight again post-baby. Considering 9 months of pregnancy + hopefully a year of breastfeeding = very little alcohol for nearly 2 years…phew…that’ll be interesting!

*Sleep is going so much better. I wake up around 5-6am and have to pee, but I’m generally sleeping pretty well between 10-6. This is working out well, except for the nights I bartend, because then I only sleep from about 12-6 and am dragging all day. Naps are my friend. 🙂

So yeah, life is pretty good right now. Most of my “symptoms” are just the standard, general stuff that is totally manageable. I actually feel less pregnant because I’m not nauseous, vomiting, and exhausted all day, every day. 

Ooooh – I have to mention this story. A random dude I waited on the other day came up to me after his meal, put his hand on my belly, and asked when I was due. 

Are you kidding me?!

My belly was bigger than this a year ago when I was depressed and eating/drinking my way through my feelings. Dude is lucky I (1) was actually pregnant, and (2) didn’t lose my shit. It totally stunned me, and I just mumbled something about Christmas. People are weird. 

Bottom line…I am so happy. So blessed. So filled with joy. I’m having a baby!

(I realize the pic is blurry this week. The camera was on a tripod, but apparently the auto-focus didn’t focus on me, and by the time I realized, I was tired and didn’t feel like redoing the pic. Ah well.)

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