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21 weeks. and the Beginning of a College Fund


My body feels like I’ve been hit with a mac truck. I’m not sure why yesterday was so much harder for me than usual (remember, I do doubles in the restaurants on Wednesdays), but by the time I got home at 11:30pm, every inch of my body hurt. Then I slept like shit, because I was too sore to even find a comfortable position to sleep in. This is rare lately, because my Snoogle pillow is AMAZING and has vastly improved my overall quality of sleep. Last night, however, I was craving about 800 mg of ibuprofen and a couple shots of tequila to put me to sleep, which obviously I couldn’t have. This morning, I’m still dying. Is that a whiny enough opening paragraph for you?

This next week is going to be insane. Not counting real estate or bookkeeping hours that I need to put in, I’m working restaurant shifts Friday day, Saturday night, Monday double, Tuesday day, Wednesday double. That’s 7 shifts in 6 days. FML. I think after next Wednesday I’m going to have to say no to more doubles and covering shifts for ppl. The money is needed, but my body can’t handle it anymore. *sigh*

SO, on a more positive note, we started RockStar’s college fund this week. 🙂 Totally random, but on Saturday night while bartending, I had two separate couples tip me 20% on $100 tabs, plus they each handed me a $50 bill “for the kiddo’s college fund.” How cool is that?!! So I stuck away $100 in my bill holder that Dad made me for Christmas last year (thanks Dad!) and the college fund has begun. How sweet was that? One of the guys was a retired OB, and after touching my belly, he says it’s a girl. We shall see. 🙂

On to the stats for the week…

RockStar is now the length of a carrot (10.5″ long head to toe and 12.7oz). Is it sad I immediately thought “h2t” ala Tyra Banks when I wrote “head to toe? Wow, ridiculous. I have watched way too many Top Model marathons with my sis-n-law I think. Oak, I know you’ll appreciate that. LOL.

I weighed 167# this morning (down .5# from last week, up 6# overall). It’s honestly creeping me out that I’m not gaining more weight, and that is not something I ever thought I’d say. I feel like I eat all the time, but the scale isn’t really reflecting it. I’m trying to not worry about it as long as the midwives aren’t.

I’m still not feeling movement very often, and I don’t like it. Again, never thought I’d be hoping for a swift kick to the ribs.

Apparently RockStar can now taste things (in the amniotic fluid) and hear things… which kind of freaks me out if I think too much about it. This kid can taste what I’m eating and hear what I’m saying? HFS. S/he also has a vermix coating all over the body now, which makes me think of “it rubs the lotion on its skin” – and how fucked up is that? I kind of hate that my husband ever talked me into watching that movie. I hate scary movies.

Okay, I’m off to nap and do nothing for the remainder of the day today. That is all. 🙂

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