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23 Weeks, and Crossing Some Thresholds


This week RockStar is the size of … hm, a papaya I guess. I just realized that we’re to the stage where the baby’s size is given in ranges and weeks 21-24 show an avg. size of 10.5-11.8″ long and 12.7-20.8 oz in weight. The creepy “factoid” of the week is that the kiddo is sprouting nipples this week. How random is that? C instead focused on the fact that the kiddo is supposedly used to the routine loud noises in my environment at this point…namely, our barking dog. We’re hoping s/he can just sleep through him barking once she’s here, because we sure as hell suck at calming Chief down when someone is at the door. Does anyone have an inside line on Caesar Milan?

I weighed 170.0# this morning (up .5# from last week, up 9# overall). When I told C, he said That’s what I like to hear! Apparently he’s been concerned about my low weight gain thus far. Um, thanks honey, but I’ve gotten over that fear, and so should you. Let’s hope that I stay on the low/moderate end of that whole spectrum! On a totally different note, it’s definitely shocking in a way to see that number on the scale. 170# is the number that made me go O SHIT a couple of years ago (the day I started this blog actually), and 172# is the highest I’ve ever weighed before I got my ass in gear and started working out / eating better and lost about 20# (though I put half of that back on by the time we finally got our BFP). As someone who has struggled with eating disorder crap in the past, I’m doing my best to just go with the flow on all of this and constantly remind myself that this is all for a good reason. I’m not saying this to be the whiny pregnant lady complaining about getting fat. I’m saying this as the woman who will always have ED shit in the back of her mind who has to work really hard to not treat her body poorly when bad body image issues come into play. If you’ve ever struggled with it, I’m sure you understand. *sigh*

As I mentioned here, C finally got to feel RockStar kick for the first time this week! Very exciting, and definitely the highlight of the week. 🙂

After a crazy week at work last week (7 shifts in 6 days – that is a LOT of being on my feet non-stop), things are starting to slow down drastically at work because the main tourist season is ending. It’s a mixed blessing at this point, because the pregnant lady in me loves the extra time to relax, and the crazy bill-paying lady in me is a little freaked out about bills come January. It is all going to work out fine in the end, I’m sure. Just trying to remind myself of that right now!

Okay, off to clean my house! A girlfriend of mine is flying into town tonight for a wedding this weekend and staying with us through Sunday, and then one of C’s best friends and his girlfriend are coming into town next Wed-Mon, so the guestroom & bath need a little spiffing up! On that note – I’ve decided to hire a cleaning lady, and she’s hopefully coming before the house guests next week to do the crap I don’t want to do / suck at, like scrubbing showers and baseboards and such. I’m so excited! She cleans for a friend of ours, and he says she’s really good and really cheap. That’s what I like to hear!

Oooh – one more note about our guest bathroom. It’s the only one with a tub, hence it’s where RockStar will get baths eventually. I’ve realized lately that the door was basically hung backwards – it was a pain in the ass to shut the door when you’re in there without maneuvering yourself around the toilet bowl, and if you’re trying to kneel next to the tub, it would open into you. Yesterday C didn’t have any work, so he decided to completely remove and switch out the door frame 180 degrees so that it swings out now and leaves the bathroom space nice and open. How sweet is that?!

 (please disregard the random varying oranges of the walls in the photos above –
i really need to remember to use the white balance feature on my camera!)

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