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27 Weeks, and in the final countdown!


Wow, I cannot believe that I am in the 3rd trimester. It’s a very surreal feeling, I think because the first trimester  went by SO slowly (between a combination of m/c fears and nonstop m/s), I expected the rest to go by slowly. Then the second trimester flew by, and now I’m thinking HFS, my EDD is exactly 3 months from today!

It’s definitely becoming more real to C and I every day that there’s a real live kiddo in my belly. RockStar is kicking so hard lately that it kind of creeps Char out to have his hand on my belly at times – I told him to try to imagine that force from the INSIDE! Our little soccer player. 🙂

theBump is still saying that RockStar is approximately the size of an eggplant… that’s 13.6-14.8″ long and weighing in at 1.5-2.2#. We had a small realization the other day that as hard as it has gotten for me to put my shoes on lately thanks to the size of my expanding belly, this kid will likely be putting on another 4-8# before he/she decides to join us. That is kind of scary and cool, all at the same time! 

I was up to 174# this morning – up 1.5# from last week, up 13# overall. I seem to be averaging about the 1#/week that the midwife recommended at this point, so that’s all good. I have about four weeks of work left and then I’m going to have to make a lot more of an effort to work out at home the last couple of months so that I don’t explode. Eek! As you can see, my regular non-maternity tank tops are definitely getting too short at this point. I ordered a couple from OldNavy yesterday that are extra-long maternity tops – hopefully they fit a little better!

Also, my belly button is starting to convert to an outie I think. Visually it still looks in, but if you graze your hand over my belly this past week it’s definitely starting to stick out. All the little changes sure add up!

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