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31 Weeks, and My Last Day of Work!


Wow – I can’t believe I just wrote that post title! I bartend tonight, and that is my last official day of work for… well, I don’t know how long. It’s such a relief to know I’ll be off my feet and no longer working nights (both of which were getting pretty exhausting for me lately), though it’s slightly stressful on the money side of things. However, I’ve come to accept that money stress is just a part of life, so we’re rolling with it. 🙂

RockStar is now about 16″ long and weighs roughly 3.3# (approx. 4 naval oranges). It’s so surreal to think that there’s a fully formed human moving around inside of me. Wow. RockStar’s kicks and punches are definitely getting stronger – waking up in the middle of the night from a punch to the pelvis or ribs is a common occurrence lately. I gotta admit, I kind of love it. The first part of this pregnancy was so miserable, so I’m glad that at this point, I’m kind of enjoying it!

I weighed in at 179# this morning (up 1# from last week, up 18# overall). As always, it’s startling to see that number continue to climb, though I know one pound a week is nothing to be concerned about. Still… phew. Just another one of those crazy changes that are all for this little one!

General Symptoms: Heartburn has been awful this past week, and for the past few days, every time I lay down, my left arm and hand goes numb. Not fun. I went to the chiropractor yesterday, and I had two ribs in my back out and some janked up stuff in my neck, so I’m hoping that helps now that it’s fixed, but we’ll see. I also think I’m having some braxton hicks occasionally… we’ll see if those continue.

Also, to those who asked last week, yes I had my hair done. Good eye. 🙂  I cut off about 4-5″ in July and that much again last Wednesday. My hair has been growing super fast and just had no shape or style. This is definitely the shortest it has been in a long time though, so it’s a little shocking for me to look in the mirror!

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